8 things to do to reconnect with your partner after an argument

When two people decide to start a romantic relationship, they support each other for the better and for the worse. But sometimes conflicts or misunderstandings can hurt one partner and make him angry. To preserve the couple and its intimacy and keep a physical attraction, we propose in this article 8 tips to follow.

Physical attraction often takes a hit when you argue with your partner, especially if you consider s**x as a reconciliation tool to solve couple problems. When you are hurt or angry, getting closer to your partner can help you defuse negative feelings and lead you to greater openness in your relationship. In order to reconnect with your other half, you need good communication to create a space for intimacy by doing the following 8 things.

1. Establish mutual commitment

During the conflict, one partner may suffer from lack of trust in each other and in oneself. This does not solve the problems in a fair and equitable way.
The establishment of mutual commitment is necessary and will consist in discussing the problem and thinking about a solution in a cooperative way. Until both of you are satisfied with the result and you find common ground.

2. Create a context for physical intimacy

Having s**x can serve many purposes in a relationship. This allows you to meet the physical needs and develop intimacy within your couple. In addition, this is considered a barometer that would indicate where you are with your privacy.

3. Listen to each other

True listening can accelerate conflict resolution, but also create a better understanding. Despite the fact that some become more concerned about their work and their projects and they forget to listen to their partners. Active listening improves communication and facilitates physical contact between the two partners.

4. Understand the perception of the other

When tensions rise, the behavior of the partner may be misinterpreted. On the other hand, when one comes to understand differences in perception, this can be patient and cooperative. The purpose of resolving differences is not to determine who is right or wrong, but to find solutions that work for both. The ground rules will facilitate reconciliation in order to achieve this goal.

5. Do not make hasty conclusions

Jumping to conclusions and making bad assumptions will only aggravate the situation. Rather than assume the worst, give your darling the benefit of the doubt. If you want to be in harmony with your relationship, start by assuming that your partner loves you and wants the best for your relationship.

6. Establish strong problem-solving strategies and effective trade-offs

Although you and your partner are united by love, you are different people with different backgrounds and approaches to the world. No matter what you have in common, sometimes needs and desires do not align. However, an effective compromise is possible and it does not require sacrificing your needs. Distinguishing the must-have of your friends can pave the way for creating a win-win agreement.

7. Share the appreciations

Have you heard that it’s impossible to stay angry and smile at the same time? Well, gratitude has a similar effect. Remember what you enjoy about your partner, and share small appreciations in the middle of a conflict this can create a space for cooperation.

8. Mark a break in the relationship

When you build a life together, all conflicts can not be resolved in a conversation, a day, or a week. Sometimes it is necessary to step back, re-examine, re-evaluate before re-engaging. To solve problems, it may be right and beneficial to press the pause button. Agree for a moment to discuss. Think about your feelings, what you hear from your partner and think about new solutions before continuing the discussion.

Sometimes agreeing to disagree and dropping a problem will defuse a disagreement. Other times, you may have to compromise to find common ground. Look for areas where you can get along and work together to resolve personal differences in your life. Consider all sides of the equation and focus on what really matters.