9 reflections, should your partner make you happy? Give up this poor idea

I love you because you make me happy, this phrase is very common and very irresponsible. Your partner cannot make you happy. How is it that your happiness can be in charge of another person? That is, does that person necessarily have to be there for you to be happy? And if it is gone, what will happen?

Happiness as a couple is not a burden, who of the two has to bear it? Many call their emotional dependence love couple. For these people love is suffering. People who only know this love do not want to fall in love again, it is not attractive to suffer again.

Let’s see how it is that being happy with love as a couple depends entirely on your own thoughts and attitude. Because love is not found, it is built detail by detail, day by day.

You can’t be happy if love depends on what someone else does for you

It is difficult to maintain a happy relationship simply because we have the wrong idea of ​​love. If you think that your partner should make you happy, your happiness will be sporadic, dropper. Well, your partner cannot be at your disposal just for you to be happy.

How to be happy as a couple? Each must take care of his own happiness. Your partner can respect you, pay attention, make you laugh, motivate you, inspire you, etc. But your happiness depends on what goes on in your mind. Do you love yourself when you think about yourself, when you interpret your circumstances?

There are people who are not happy even having everything, because what happens in their mind is far from love. Finding someone to motivate you is important, but you have to take charge of your self-love.

You will never be truly happy until you learn to be happy alone.


How to maintain a stable and happy relationship? Reflect on this point: If your partner must take care of making you happy, who will make your partner happy? And if you are without a partner, how are you going to be happy? To maintain a happy and lasting relationship, each one has to do their part.

One of the best tips to be happy with your partner is that you take care of your own spark. If your partner is going to carry everything, it will not work. You have to care about improving yourself and being happy about your own achievements, decisions and dreams.

Waiting for the other person to make the move is a dependency

Why can’t I be happy with my partner? If your happiness depends on what your partner does or doesn’t do, then you are emotionally dependent on your partner. Your partner controls you, can manipulate you. It is very easy to expect that your happiness depends on meeting your expectations with your partner.

Your partner should make you happy, it is an irresponsible proposal. Reflect, and if you don’t, if you’re having a bad day, if you can’t. This is the reason why your relationship does not last. The spark of your love cannot be in charge of your partner. You cannot delegate your happiness.

We think that if my partner doesn’t make me happy, they don’t really love me


When your partner doesn’t meet your expectations, when he doesn’t behave in a way that makes you happy, how do you feel? Your loving partner may be doing something they love but you don’t like. In this case, while your partner is happy, you have a hard time, you feel miserable.

Your partner can do something to make you happy, but if you don’t like it, you won’t be happy. What you have is expectations of how you have to behave and what your partner has to do to make you happy. Your partner may love you, but nothing he does makes you happy. It is a miserable life.

The couple relationship gives us happiness when you find happiness within you


How to be happy as a couple? We like certain attitudes, emotions and there are people who inspire us. If your partner inspires you to smile, that smile occurs in you. Happiness happens in you, always, so you control it, not your partner.

Your partner fell in love with you because he saw something in you, your partner also wants you to make him happy. If you shine inside you will feel happy, your partner will feel happy. If you use your inner baggage to shine, you will feel that life has meaning.

You have to find a way to be happy with your own resources without waiting from your partner


Your partner should not and cannot make you happy, because you cannot live tied to your partner. If your partner is absent, what will become of your happiness? If you are broken, your partner will not fix you, he can only motivate you with a smile, with an attitude. But even when you do nothing, you have to find a way to be happy.

There are little habits that you have to practice to be happy with your partner. But you have to practice them without waiting for her or him to do it. Respect, trust, forgive, walk hand in hand, be positive, hug and kiss more, et. You have to do your part without waiting for your partner to do it.

If you are not happy with your own resources, you will not be able to be happy with your partner, even if he or she is.

Happiness, although it can be a couple, its origin and its support is individual. Your happiness is born in the depths of your being where no one, only you, has access. You can learn to be happy by learning to solve your problems, not your partner’s.

We all have problems small and big and if you ignore them they accumulate and become more problematic. All those problems are in your inner world, in your way of thinking and seeing things. No one can take care of your inner world, only you.

If you don’t work on your own happiness, you work on destroying your relationship with your partner.

Even if you work on your own happiness, you cannot control what your partner does. Your partner may decide to break up with you, but if you are happy you won’t break up with you. Your relationship with yourself cannot end. If it ends, it is the ugliest destruction you could do against yourself.

A person who does not learn to be happy by himself destroys himself even if he does not want to. You may believe that you are happy, but if you are not taking care of your happiness, your relationship will end. The world does not end with a relationship that breaks down. If you don’t break, you still have another chance.

How to be happy as a couple and live for a long time in a fun and healthy way?

Learn to be happy while you are without a partner. Take away from you the idea that you need a loving partner to make you happy. Happiness means dealing with your own problems before starting a life with someone else. Take care of getting your own money, your own hobbies and joys.

You don’t have to make your family, friends or the world happy, just that little space that is your life. Also learning to be happy while you are alone or alone will attract the right people into your life. That is, the perfect love, that wonderful person you want in your life will appear with your own inner glow.

In short, it is very irresponsible to give the task of your happiness to your partner. He can’t even if he wants to, only you can, only you have access to your inner world.

9 reflections, should your partner make you happy? Give up this poor idea

– You cannot be happy if love depends on what another person does for you
– You will never be truly happy until you learn to be happy alone
– Waiting for the other person to make the move is dependence
– We think, if my partner it does not make me happy, it does not really love me
– The relationship gives us happiness when you find happiness within you
– You have to find a way to be happy with your own resources without waiting for your partner
– If you are not happy with your own resources you will not be able to be happy with your partner even if he or she is
– If you do not work on your own happiness you work on destroying your relationship
– How to be happy as a couple and live for a long time in a fun and healthy way?