If you suffer, it is not love. You should know that in life there are many things that are confused with love. It happens to all of us and if we are not attentive it hurts us a lot. It is inevitable, there are always things that you are confusing with love and it is all about a learning process.
You know someone who impresses you so much that you think you found the love of your life. But they have a relationship, time passes and you realize that it is nothing of what you imagined. And this happens over and over again. We tend to confuse too many things with love.
Let’s see what are the things, feelings, emotions and sensations that you could mistake for love.
1.- Love is not controlling the other person or taking charge of their happiness
Love is not that your partner tells you everything he does, where he is, why he dresses that way, etc. It controls you if it asks you to account for everything. It is a feeling that generates a lot of tension and instability.
Control is one of the most common things that you may be mistaking for love. When there is a need for control, you feel possession, jealousy, very low self-esteem, lack of happiness, etc.
2.- Putting down your partner is one of those things that is not love
You are with her because you said you loved her and wanted to be happy with her. But suddenly things changed and without realizing it you started to belittle your partner.
Believing yourself superior for having professional successes and belittling your partner is moving away from love. Not only do you harm her, you also create a very stressful lifestyle for yourself.
3.- Discussions daily is not an attitude of a couple who love each other
There are couples who have gotten used to arguing and fighting every day and are still together. Having disagreements and arguing as a couple is normal, but not every day. What kind of life is that, no, that’s not love.
Fighting on a daily basis is another thing that you may be mistaking for love if you continue together. Having a bad day is part of life, but venting your disgust with your partner has nothing to do with love.
4.- Forcing you to live isolated from your friends is not love either
This happens with some men who do not want their partner to have contact with other people. This is not Love. Some even don’t want their partner to work, enough that they work.
Machismo is one of those things that you may be mistaking for love. You are not protecting them from anything, you are only limiting them from being happy. You yourself are not happy and having her isolated makes your relationship worse.
5.- It is not love when your happiness and security depends on the presence of your partner
Another thing that you may be confusing with love is your partner’s need to feel safe. If that person is not there and you feel like you are dying, it is not love you feel, but attachment and dependence.
Emotional dependence is what happens the most in many couples, confused with love. If your life cannot flourish without that person, it is not love. But even with that person it doesn’t flourish, you just postpone.
6.- It is very easy to confuse manipulation with love, I do it because I love you
Trying to get something in exchange for love is manipulation. Manipulation can be so subtle that it can be mistaken for the limits of love. That person simply wants to decide for you.
The argument is “because I love you, that’s why I take care of you.” You can also deny things that have happened. No, that never happened, you are just imagining things. Be very subtle in putting yourself aside in these relationships.
7.- Being overly jealous of your partner has nothing to do with love
Jealousy is one of those feelings that looks like love but is not. A jealous person is expressing his insecurity, not his love. Jealousy does not improve a relationship, rather it deteriorates it.
The jealous person spends a lot of time and energy watching and imagining. He is aware of what his partner does and does not do. What a jealous person needs is to work on improving their self-esteem.
8.- It is not love if it prohibits you from making your life with your family and friends
Jealousy can take extreme and subtle forms. For example, one of the things that we confuse with love is the desire to protect the partner. First they invent threats and then strive to protect.
It is good that your partner protects you, but your family and friends are not your enemies. They may have their conflicting qualities, but no one can forbid you. It can help you improve your self-esteem, nothing more.
9.- Wanting your partner to do only what you want is not love
We all have dreams and talents, but sometimes what you like may not be to your partner’s liking. Due to an excess of protection, your partner may tell you to do better what he recommends.
A couple may have different dreams, but the minimum is that there is mutual support, not hindrance. This is not love. Leaving aside what you want just to please your partner is not love.
In short … there are several things, feelings, emotions and sensations that you could mistake for love.
9 things that you are mistaking for love and they happen more than you think
1.- Love is not controlling the other person or taking charge of their happiness
2.- Putting down your partner is one of those things that is not love
3.- Daily discussions is not an attitude of a couple who loves each other
4 .- Forcing you to live isolated from your friends is not love either
5.- It is not love when your happiness and security depends on the presence of your partner
6.- It is very easy to confuse manipulation with love, I do it because I love you
7. – Being too jealous of your partner has nothing to do with love
8.- It is not love if it prohibits you from making your life with your family and friends
9.- Wanting your partner to do only what you want is not love