Astrology: Here are the 3 most faithful zodiac signs that never deceive their wives

With the blurring of social codes and the dissolution of good manners peculiar to the present era, men are more likely to be unfaithful either because of lack of interest on the part of their spouses or to be indignant at the routine installed in the couple. Still, others seek an exotic passion off the beaten path. Yet three signs of the zodiac steal from this social rule!

The 3 zodiac signs that never deceive their women:

The Libra man:

Born under the aegis of Venus, the planet of beauty and love, the man Libra is a sign of justice and true guardian of traditions. It is a faithful being who seeks harmony in the couple. A situation of infidelity is assimilated, in its conception, to a situation of emotional imbalance, which it will try to flee by all means. If you have known betrayal, go on the right side of the scales can only be beneficial.

The Virgo man:

Loyalty and the Virgo man go hand in hand. Hidden behind his rigid air and his distant attitude, the native of this sign hides deep feelings that are only expressed when his logic (his main engine of thought) is pronounced on it. His feelings are so powerful that it is almost impossible for him to go elsewhere. As a true son of Mercury, he is determined and rigorous in his choices. If he has designated you as the chosen of his heart, that is to say, that you meet a set of pre-established criteria in his mind, you are a choice that he is not likely to change afterward.

The Capricorn man:

A sign of the zodiac born during the arid cold of winter, the native of Capricorn, however, has a warm background and a heart as big as his horns. Frivolity is not part of his plans that are well structured and settled on the big issues of existence. The happy elect who will know will have access to an inexhaustible well of sweets and sensations. As long as you do not be unfaithful to him, in which case he will go on without you sparing.

Infidelity remains a piercing act that, not being a common choice in the form of a libertine or swinger relationship, leaves behind a ravine of buried feelings and collapsed hopes. A real tragedy for the most vulnerable who do not know how to cope. But it is also a logical progression of several symptoms of relational failure that can be detected at the earliest to correct the shot before falling into the irreparable. Thus, infidelity becomes immoral only when it is not a common choice or when the unfaithful party did not first try to recover the fragments of the current relationship.

Surprising as it may be, it also happens that infidelity is a driving force for the relationship in progress. Especially in the long term, this extra-marital relationship can lead the man to notice the small details of everyday life that were his happiness and that do not exist in the new relationship. It can be a perfume, delicate attention in the evening after work or a smile on the corner of the lips.

Anyway, when you feel the irresistible call of infidelity, stop for a moment and think about the person you are currently with. Ask yourself if there is a way to make things better so that you are more comfortable with your idea of ​​the ideal couple and the perfect relationship. If you do not see any attraction to your couple, it is best to cut the link on one side before embarking on another adventure. But such a decision should not be taken on a stroke of libido, but at rest, far from any form of momentary attraction.