Here are the 5 men profiles that you should avoid

You’ve probably spent your life hearing the following sentence: “All men are the same”. Well, we’re here today to prove you wrong. Men and women are different, with their own qualities and flaws. But there are nevertheless 5 profiles of men that you should in no case approach, let alone love because they turn out to be very toxic to you.

We women tend to fall in love very easily, and it is no secret that we are more sensitive and more blue-flowered. So ladies, you who fall for the first comer, who fall in love from the first minute, know that there are 5 types of men who can make your life very hard. We will have warned you!

1) The womanizer

You are neither the first nor the last to fall under its devastating charm and its ardent eyes of a faller. This man is obviously a great unrepentant seducer. He has this little something that makes all women not resist him. Whether faithful (and it would be amazing) or not, this man will give you a lot of hard time. You will never be comfortable in your relationship because it will be constantly looking for a prey to seduce even if it is for playful purposes. How innocent even her game would be, you will always feel threatened by the possibility that a woman takes your place. If you meet a womanizer, even if he is a god of beauty, it will be up to you to run, without looking back.

2) The stingy

It is always nice to receive gifts from your companion. Although you are financially independent, being spoiled is a mark of love and care. Only, if your man finds that too much is not worth buying, that your dress or your new pair of heels is too expensive, if he lets you pay for it, if you do not receive gifts , not even a flower on his part, is that this man is obviously a real stingy . This type of man gives too much importance to the material aspect in love. It will be difficult for you to keep up with him for a long time, because a man who is materially sassy can also be sassy in feelings.

3) The jealous possessive

Jealousy is undoubtedly a sign that your other half loves you. But sometimes it can be caused by psychological problems such as fear of abandonment or lack of confidence. Unhealthy jealousy is difficult to detect at first, but very often it can be fatal to a romantic relationship. It is true that a woman loves to feel protected and loved by her man. But she will certainly not appreciate that her other half takes over her, that he spies on the least of her steps and gestures, that he spies on her conversations, assails her with questionable questions and intrudes indiscreetly in every corner of his life. This type of man is not only jealous but also selfish because it will keep his partner to himself and keep him from living for herself. A romantic relationship with possessive jealousy certainly cannot succeed.

4) The man who refuses to grow

One of the profiles of men who are extremely difficult to live with is men- children . Even if at first you fell in love with him (and we don’t know by what miracle), over time you will realize that this man is not the one for you. The latter obliges you in some way to dress in the role of mother before time. Always to be behind him, to make decisions for him, to show him how to dress, to make him a real mature man. This can be a burden for you because you cannot make future plans with someone who has not yet grown up in his head. Sometimes you need to be a little girl again and be responsible for her.

5) The liar and the dishonest

Here is the worst of vices! A relationship with a lying and dishonest man can only be doomed to failure. Just like Don Juan, he will make you run and you risk losing your breath quickly. At first you will probably not realize, but as soon as you catch him lying to you after three times, you will know that he is a mythomaniac. You will very often feel betrayed and no relationship is built on lies and betrayals, much less a romantic relationship that normally should be based on pure trust and sincerity.