How to know if you’re in love: the 7 signs to take into account

”  Do I really like him or do I like the attention he gives me?” How do I know if what I feel is love? “ Since you met him, you can not get him out of your thoughts. Whenever you try to tidy up your feelings, you come back to this question: wouldn’t I be in love? If you feel happier, more alive, and your life now seems to revolve around it, you can stop asking yourself the question. Because it is surely already the case! How to know if you are in love: the 7 signs to take into account. Here are 7 signs that prove you’re in love with your new partner. If you recognize yourself in several of them, doubt is no longer allowed. So stop questioning and go for it.

How to know if you’re in love: the 7 signs to take into account

1 / When you are in love, your heart pounding

Your heart pounding when you know you are going to see it, when you are with it, when you are waiting for a message or a call. You are feverish, impatient. Excited like a child awaiting the passage of Santa Claus.

The famous butterflies in the belly, the sparkling eyes, the knotted stomach, the lack of appetite … You validate many of these “symptoms”!

And at the same time, you are completely blue flower, romantic, listening to love songs and re-reading his messages in a loop. Imagine romantic and passionate scenarios, immerse yourself in your dreams.

In short, you simply have it in your skin.

2 / If you are in love, you only have him in your head

The hours seem long to you, the days endless. You always want to hear from her, talk to her. It’s stronger than you, you have something to say to him, to ask him, to share with him. You are curious to find out more.

Therefore, since you met him, you can not let go of your phone. SMS, calls, video, photos, whatever the communication method, and the medium used, you are totally addicted. So much so that your phone never leaves you for fear of missing a message or a call.

You want to tell him everything, moreover, he is the first person you contact when you have just heard good or bad news. It became a reflex. And when he is not with you, what do you do? You talk about him!

Indeed, you take an inexpressible pleasure in mentioning his first name, in talking about it to your friends, you need to make it exist around you as well.

In short, you miss him and you are totally addicted. Or almost.

3 / When we are in love, spending time with the other is our priority

Consciously or unconsciously, you change your habits, sometimes upset your planning to spend time with him. Not that you abandon your friends for him or drop your favorite activity, but if you can manage to see it in between, you will not hesitate.

You do your best to make yourself available and spend time with him.

It’s Thursday evening, you come home from work and have only one desire, a good shower and a tray in front of your favorite series? You have not planned to see you tonight but now he calls you to offer you a small restaurant, a cinema or join him for a drink with his friends? Despite your fatigue, and even if you had already put on your favorite pilou-pilou pajamas, don’t you hesitate for a second?

You answer him that it’s okay and that you will find him within an hour? So no doubt, you’re falling in love.

You jump on the slightest opportunity to see him and have little loving attention for him. You make him feel good. If it is reciprocal, it is guaranteed happiness!

In short, it has a place found in your life.

4 / If you are in love, then you feel soothed and serene

Without even realizing it, you are in a relationship with him where compromises are made naturally. No need to negotiate hours, to give in, no disputes, tensions, you communicate serenely.

If you don’t like the same things, that you have a disagreement, you manage to find common ground.

At his side, you do not force yourself, do not give in to whims, do not run after him, and do not feel aggrieved. On the contrary, you feel good, in your place.

Indeed, it has the gift of calming your impatience, of de-stressing, of helping you to see the positive side of things. He listens to you, advises you, helps you if necessary.

The perfect man? Not necessarily, you are just in a relationship with a good guy, who wants to take care of you and knows how to do it. And so you feel good, soothed and serene. Happy in short.

In short, you know what it’s like to be good for two.

5 / You see life in pink

Everything is not perfect and yet you are in your little cloud, to see life in pink. You embellish the reality, not to reassure yourself, but because for the moment everything you perfect really perfect.

He may have faults like everyone else, mania, doing things that you don’t like, you don’t see them. All busy feeling and experiencing things fully, everything seems wonderful to you.

You are in the heart of the Care Bears and nothing brings you down from your cloud. So be careful not to put it on a pedestal. But like many other women in love, at the beginning of the relationship, you tend to embellish reality and reduce the smallest obstacles that could complicate your relationship.

He likes football, usually, you hate it, but here “it works”? He dances like a broom when you love to wiggle on the dance floor, but “it doesn’t matter?”

It is not said that love has blinded you, but when you are in love with someone, you tend to emphasize commonalities and forget disagreements. And there’s nothing we can do about it, so take advantage of this state of grace.

In short, you found your prince almost charming.

6 / You plan for the long term with him

While usually, you try not to make plans on the comet, not to get carried away too quickly, there it is stronger than you. Impossible not to project your couple into the future.

Everything is going so well, so spontaneously and naturally, that you can already see far away.

The next romantic weekend, the summer holidays to book, or even to live together at the start of the school year or next year? Nothing seems impossible to you and anyway, it’s stronger than you, you think about it.

Over the weeks and months that have passed, you have introduced yourself to your friends. Family soon? Do you sleep alternately at home, walking around in spare clothes? Do you spend most of your weekends together?

Or in any case, that’s all you want to do, move on with it. If your relationship is progressing without you having to worry about it, that you are on the same wavelength and that you share common projects, then it is that your projection is good.

In short, the fear of commitment is far behind you.

7 / With him, you can be yourself

So yes at the beginning, you did everything to please her by taking care of yourself, being the prettiest and primed possible. And hiding your small and big faults. You are never very natural when you are at the first meeting. We are on our 31st, on our guard and we try not to talk nonsense.

But if after a few weeks you can let go and act like you would with your best friend, this is a very good sign. It proves that you trust him and that you are comfortable showing yourself as you are, without fuss.

And anyway, your naturalness is your best asset, because you are radiant. And yes, that’s the magic of love, that. Life seems to you to have acquired new colors, everything seems sublime and you feel capable of facing the whole earth.

You have a smile, you are in a good mood, positive. You feel fulfilled, alive. There is no other word, you shine, everyone tells you.

In short, you are finally yourself with a man.