How to Make Your Boyfriend Miss You: 15 Effective Ways!

If you’re in this text, you probably want to know how to make your boyfriend miss you and maybe you’ve tried many, many things for that, but probably none of them worked so well…

The good news is that in this text I am going to show you 15 effective ways for you to make your boyfriend feel attracted to you again and finally miss you and look for you.

Learn how to make him miss you more by understanding these simple tips.

1. Don’t be so available to him anymore.

Okay, this can be a bit counterintuitive after all when you’re in love with someone you want to spend a lot of time with that person but to make the person miss you you need to give them time and space.

You don’t always have to give up all your time just for him your boyfriend won’t miss you if you’re always available at all times.

So find some things you can do, like hobbies, activities, or something you can create your own time away from. While it’s very important to spend time together with your boyfriend, it’s also equally important to give him a space to realize how special you are in his life.

2. Go out with your friends.

As I said in the previous topic you don’t need to be with him all the time, you can and should also talk to your friends (and often) plan a special night, a trip with your friends that you haven’t talked to in a while, share and enjoy some special moments with them.

Spending a few days away from him will definitely make him happy because you are happy too.

But at the same time, he can also feel a little jealous and if he sees that you are having fun then he will probably want to accompany you on your next adventure too.

That way, while you’re having fun, he might start to miss you.

3. Highlight the fun arts in your life using social media.

Show that you are also capable of having fun without his presence. A tip for this is that you update your Instagram or Facebook feed so he can see all the fun you’re having. Men are really more visual creatures so give him something he’s interested in but remember not to post anything that isn’t authentic. The tip is to be yourself.

4. Wait a while before returning your text messages and calls.

Instead of giving him an immediate reward, wait a while to return his WhatsApp messages or even calls.

As I said in the previous topics this shows that you have a life outside of your relationship.

So whenever he sends you random text messages make him wait a while before replying

That way he’ll miss you more than you ever thought he could.

5. Find a unique scent that reminds him of you.

Perfumes are amazing things. Maybe you’ve already noticed that a fragrance you’ve smelled once in your life has led you to another memory of something just by smelling it, and that’s exactly what happens. We are fully sensitive beings and so the smell can lead to many Memories of things that have happened.

The tip is to have an exclusive perfume that makes him remember incredible moments by your side, And the few start to create fantasies remembering special events next to you, this will leave him thinking about you every time he smells even slightly similar.

6. Cook him a delicious meal.

You can impress your boyfriend by making delicious homemade dishes for him, just like my grandma Said a man conquers his stomach ( kidding aside ) every man loves delicious food, and that can make him even more attached to you.

So if you don’t know how to cook this could be a good chance for you to learn a new skill.

7. Take a weekend getaway without him.

Anything that doesn’t include him is sure to keep him away and leave him wanting more. So take a weekend off or go out alone with your friends, just relax and have fun. When you’re back you can be sure he’ll be more than happy to see you again.

8. Let him go with his friends.

Don’t worry about letting him hang out with his friends Of course giving him space to hang out will make you seem more confident and less clingy at first he may seem to like it a lot but he will definitely miss you and then he’ll want to spend more and more time with you. so next time he tries to come up with an excuse to play ball or hang out with his friends just let him go.

If he wants to take a fellow trip alone, let him go.

This is a strategic game because the longer he is away from you, the faster he will realize what he is missing, and the more confident you are, the faster he will learn that he cannot go through life without you.

9. Invest in yourself.

It is very important to invest in yourself so buy a new makeup and get a new haircut that will make you even more attractive and unforgettable to the eyes and his mind even though he is far away he will start to think of you in a new formula that is to do he wants to be closer to you.

this will work especially well if you are getting attention from other people around you so invest in yourself and feel good to make your boyfriend miss you

10. Bring Back the Mystery.

 Chances are when you first met you didn’t exactly share everything you were feeling… Try doing that again now.

Instead of letting him get used to your routine, challenge him with some new activities.

Remember what it was like when you first met, Create a mystery that existed before again.

11. Be independent

Becoming a little more independent and less dependent on him will make him miss you more. When you stop looking for him to do the stupidest things, he’s going to start wondering and that, I bet, will do you a lot of good.

12. Be a happy girlfriend.

Who would miss a boring girlfriend? If you’re always fun and always bring a smile to your boyfriend, then he’s sure to miss you when he doesn’t see you. His cheerful and charming face will always be in his mind wherever he goes.

13. Make him realize how lucky he is to have you.

Make your boyfriend realize how valuable you are. Let him know that you are the only one and that if he loses you he will be very sorry. If your boyfriend is going to realize that you’re someone to be cherished and guarded, he’s certainly not going to be able to get you out of his mind.

14. Always be a loving and considerate girlfriend to him.

Okay, the most important thing that men will miss is the incredible love and affection that you as a girlfriend can give them.

If you really want to make your boyfriend miss you a lot, make him fall deeply in love with you.

Now, in case you two have already broken up, I highly recommend reading this article that will show you how to make a man miss you after you break up.

15. Dress well whenever you go out with him.

Always give him your love and affection, make him happy when he’s sad, take care of him when he’s sick and understand him when he makes mistakes, finally be by his side whenever he needs it, be faithful and love him for who he really is.

It drives him crazy when you dress up to go out with him, some clothes that are tight enough to show all your curves, but more than that: feel that what you wear really makes you feel good, for sure you feel good about yourself you will have greater confidence in yourself.

Use these tips wisely and apply what you’ve learned to make your boyfriend miss you and love you more and more. After all, if he really loves you, then he will miss you every day!