Never marry this kind of man! He will destroy you!

In life, we sometimes meet people who really want us good, who love us without concessions and know how to appreciate our true value, as we are! On the other hand, it is quite likely that you can come across someone toxic, a person who will do anything to belittle you, hurt you … Getaway as quickly as possible and do not marry HIm !

Did not the character of Forrest Gump rightly say “life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to fall for”? And love relationships are the same: you never know what or who you will be able to fall! If some people end up meeting the love of their life and live a stable and balanced love relationship, based on the principles of respect, sharing, devotion; others, on the other hand, have more trouble and sometimes fall on real “pearls”! Men who do not spare you or your feelings and for whom affection, gallantry or simply the respect of others are very abstract notions …
Overview of men not to marry especially if you want to be and stay happy:

  1. The narcissist: 

The narcissist will always try to bring everything back to him. He can be selfish and especially egocentric. The world revolves around him and everyone should constantly think about him and his well-being first and foremost. He is sorely lacking in empathy and will not hesitate to manipulate so that you begin to obey him with the finger and the eye! This kind of man loves himself much more than he loves you. Tell yourself that this is not your fault because it behaves in the same way with absolutely everyone around you.

  1. Men a bit too romantic …: 

We could say that a romantic, attentive and gallant man has, a priori, everything to please! But a man who makes tons and can not help sending you dozens of messages during the day, can quickly turn into a sticky man, doing absolutely everything to satisfy you without ultimately knowing what you like truly! We have nothing against romanticism, on the contrary … provided you know how to dose it!

  1. A man who lacks confidence in himself:

It is not easy to be with someone who lacks self-confidence because it is usually a person tortured, anxious about having to live a relationship in which trust to his or her partner is essential for a healthy and balanced relationship. How do you want your man to trust you when he does not trust himself in the first place?

  1. A selfish man:

An egotistical man is surely synonymous with suffering and misfortune for you. This kind of man will never think of putting your happiness before his. Just like the narcissist, this one will wait for you that you devote to him all your time and your energy, it does not matter that you are satisfied with your turn or flourished in your relation of couple …

  1. The victim man: 

The victim is too, far from good for you! If you think you can save your man from his distress or suffering, you are wrong and you hurt even more. Comfort him as you can, but make sure that his unease does not reach you!

  1. The eternal dissatisfied: 

The eternal dissatisfied is also to flee urgently ladies! Whatever you do to make him happy, he will never be happy. Understand: it is not you who can not satisfy it, but it is a much deeper problem. It may be that your man feels completely lost in this world and that he can not feel happy. No doubt he is a little too afraid of happiness …?