The 4 real differences between a soul mate and a life partner

You may think that a soul mate and a life partner are the same people. Besides, most people believe this same idea. However, there may be fundamental differences. A soul mate is a person who will help you become the person you are supposed to be: its purpose is to enable you to become the best version of yourself.

A partner for life, on the other hand, is the person you will end up with the rest of your days; someone you complement enough to have a fulfilling relationship. During your life, you will either have a soul mate and a partner for life, or a single person who will fulfill these two roles.

It is important that you meet these two people during your life on this earth. If you’re still struggling to tell the difference between a soul mate and a lifelong partner, here is a list of the top four differences between these two people.

A soul mate gives you life lessons while a life partner helps you solve your problems

A soul mate can take many forms. It can be a friend, family member, colleague or lover. These people come into your life to give you valuable lessons that will allow you to face the world. Once this person has given you everything you need, it is not uncommon for them to disappear entirely from your life. Most of the time, it is a very painful process.

On the other hand, a life partner is not someone who is going to be there temporarily: it is a person who will be near you for your good as for your bad times. It is the individual with whom you will spend the rest of your days because all your life you will have been preparing to meet him.

The connection with the soul mate and the partner for life is very different

When you meet your soul mate, you are able to bond emotionally and spiritually. And, you will surely have a lot of ups and downs, together. Your most important relationships will be with your soul mate, but the sad thing is that these relationships only last very rarely. The soul mate has only one goal in your life and, once its goal is reached, the connection loses its intensity and eventually disappears, little by little.

But, with the partner for life, the connection is completely different. It may not be as intense, passionate or meaningful as the one you had with your soul mate but it is an extremely strong bond! This is the kind of connection that is made to last because you know you can always count on the presence of your partner for life.

Soul mates have spiritual ties while life partners have emotional and intellectual ties

The connection between two soul mates is almost transcendent because it is stronger than any physical relationship. This link can be summarized as follows: two individuals meet and have a common goal that is greater than their combined goals. It is, quite simply, when two people are trying to become much more than they are currently.

The bond between the two partners for life is a little more different. It is not as transcendent but it is much more tangible and real. The connection these two people share can be manifested in everyday words and actions. This is the kind of bond that can gradually improve.

Your soul mate pushes you out of your comfort zone while your life partner puts you at ease

A soul mate will always force you to grow and develop. She will spend her time pushing you out of your comfort zone because it is the only way for you to surpass yourself. At that point, you may not be happy with what your soul mate is doing to you, but gradually you will realize that it was necessary.

With your partner for life, you will almost never feel uncomfortable. You know you have someone who will always be there to support you, to help you get up when you are at your worst, and someone you can rely on. The life partner will do anything to minimize the stress in your life.