Men are not always as comfortable as women in expressing their feelings. For some, it is even impossible! But their body language never deceives. So, if there is a way to read a man’s thoughts and know if he is in love, it is by observing his behavior.
Know if a man is in love
It is by his gestures and a few other details that we recognize a man in love and in love with his half. Here’s how to identify and recognize them. So, is your man in love?
Her voice changes
When in the presence of the woman he loves, the man tends to change his voice. It becomes deeper. Indeed, when a person attracts us or awakens feelings in us, we tend to change voices unconsciously. The voice of your darling is often more tender with you than with others: it is a sign that he loves you deeply. To find out, you must have heard your voice “before” meeting him. Because some men simply have a soft, deep voice.
He stares at you
When a woman pleases a man, he stares at her and looks at her enormously. So, whether conscious or not, it will create intimacy without touching it. Very regular eye contact is an unmistakable sign. Especially if he tends to maintain his gaze. If a man looks at you a lot, it’s a sign that you like him. And if your darling spends his time looking at you, it is because he is indeed in love with you.
He plays with his hair
Women often tend to touch their hair when they like a man. But also when they seek to seduce them. But you should know that men do the same! They tend to touch their hair or beards when they are in the presence of the woman they love. If your partner tends to touch his hair in your presence, it is a sign that he really likes you and that he is in love with you.
His pupils dilate
When we look at a person who awakens real feelings in us, our pupils tend to dilate. If a man’s pupils dilate when he looks at you, it is most likely because he has real feelings about you. A man who appreciates your presence stares at you and his pupils tend to dilate at this precise moment. You can read love and interest in his eyes.
He is tactile
Consciously or unconsciously, your man wants to touch you. It usually lets it appear without realizing it, but you’ll quickly notice it. Men in love are very tactile and tend to initiate physical contact with the woman they love and covet. It is a very gentle form of provocation, and a sign of seduction more than obvious. If you are in a relationship and your man is very tactile, it is because he likes your contact: he is in love with you. When you are together, he holds you by the hand, by the hip. It touches your arm, your back.
He comes over to talk to you
Men tend to approach women when they speak to them. And it’s not at all because he thinks you can’t hear him, far from it. Unconsciously, he tries to get closer to you, and to show you that you are interested. In the same way, a man in love will systematically seek to approach you to hear what you have to say. It is a force of proximity that he seeks in your presence.
In the same way, when in love, the man seeks to be near you. He may tend to come closer to you to whisper in your ear. He shows you that he has something special to say to you. And that is only for you! Using this gesture also allows him to show others that you are close and that you share a bond, secrets.
He smiles and laughs
Men in love are smiling men! If he tends to smile a lot in your company, it is certainly because he is happy to see you. And spend time with you. If a man smiles when he sees you, it is a sign that he truly appreciates you. Looking at you reminds him of good memories and revives his feelings towards you. Is your man smiling in your presence? He is in love with you! And this mood can also lead him to make you laugh and have fun. Thus, it seeks to provoke good times and exchanges between you.
Finally, a man in love will find you funny. He laughs at the jokes you tell him, and laughs at certain features of your personality. Your man or the one who covets you may also have to tease you on certain points.
He takes care of himself
When you try to please a person, you take care of yourself. We take care of our appearance, our style of dress… If you have the feeling that the man in question always smells good and that he makes an effort to dress well, it is certainly because he seeks to please you. He takes care of himself and considers it important to be presentable and neat when he is by your side. Does he arrange his shirt when he is in your presence? Does he look in the mirror?
He blushes and becomes embarrassed
If your man has a tendency to blush, it is a sure sign that he has fallen in love with you. And the blush is one of the unmistakable signs: it is impossible to hide! If he blushes when you look at him, when you fix him in the eyes or when you tease him, it is the sign that he is in love and in love with you. Likewise, if he shows you his embarrassment when you tease him, he unconsciously shows that he has affection for you. So, does he blush during your exchanges?
He minimizes distractions
A man in love is interested in the woman he loves, in what she says as well as in what she shows. He will, therefore, pay close attention to her throughout the discussion and the moments they spend together. If he loses your attention, he will do whatever is necessary to reconnect with you. In the same way, he leaves his phone in your presence and avoids looking at it, even if he receives calls or SMS. His attention is mainly focused on you and the moment you share.
He copies you
If a man copies your way of speaking, your way of breathing, or your posture, it is because he shows you his love. Even unconsciously. This form of copying of the other creates intimacy with the other, and that is what he seeks to do, without even realizing it. In addition, if he uses the same sentences and the same words as you, he tries to get you a message. You are connected. Hear the words and the phrase he uses with you. Are these the same ones you use every day?