Wait for someone who only wants you

Wait for someone who only wants you. Someone who chooses you and no one else. Wait for someone who has no doubts. Someone who will not need to think before committing to you.

Do not rush. Wait for someone who is really worth it. Someone who wants to be with you, but not because they are coming out of a painful relationship; not because he needs to be comforted; not because he needs to change his mind. Wait for someone to be with you because it is their deepest desire

Know how to overcome the pains of life

Of course, everyone you have met so far has played a role in your life and in your construction. Whether they were important or simply passing through, they helped make you who you are today.

But what about great love? You have to be patient and wait for it. Above all, you don’t have to settle for crumbs. You have to wait for someone to make you their everything.

Despite the pains, the sufferings, and the sorrows, you must keep hope and wait for the one who will bring backlight in your life.

But before meeting this person, you must take the time to rebuild yourself. To love and be able to love, you have to feel good about yourself. You have to be good with yourself.

Wait for someone who really wants to share with you

Expect someone who wants you as a partner and doesn’t make you “another woman” or another name on a list. No more lies, deceit, and infidelity. You are much better than that and you know it.

Wait for someone who is complementary to you and who makes you want to conquer the world by his side. Someone who is a true partner and who loves you, in trials as in joys.

Before you meet this person, you will often have to experience setbacks and overcome obstacles, but believe me, it is worth it. It will also be necessary to experience loneliness … All the questions and all the doubts that she takes with her.

Taking your time is essential, especially in love. We must not be content with little. Healthy love will not require superhuman efforts. You will not need to use all of your persuasive power. You also won’t need to play, manipulate or trick.

No, true love is obvious. It is a path that we follow naturally and without even realizing it.

But what matters most is that with the right person there should be no betrayal. You should wake up and realize with surprise that being with the man sleeping by your side has not required any specific effort from you.

Expect to feel unique and privileged

Wait for someone who gives you importance.

When you meet the right person, you will know how he feels and what he thinks, without even having to speak. His actions will say more than his words and his speeches will be sincere.

Wait for someone to add meaning to your life. You have to be with someone who deserves you. Someone with whom everything seems immediately natural. Someone with whom everything seems easy to you. As if it was obvious …

Yes, these are just words and this feeling of being in the right place, of being in its place is inexplicable, but when you finally experience it, you know it straight away and everything becomes obvious.

Wait for someone who does not disturb you and does not prevent you from sleeping at night. Someone who willfully never shed your tears. Wait for someone to put you in confidence and soothe you permanently.

Wait for someone to secure you and encourage you to express your feelings.

Wait for someone who gives you the impression that the nights are too short and that the days are passing too quickly.

If you find yourself alone, constantly asking yourself “when will I see him again?”, “When will he call me?”, It is that it is not the right one. If he forces you to question everything and wait, it is not the right thing.

Expect someone who is transparent about his feelings for you. Someone who wants to share, dream and live with you. Wait for someone whose caresses will be nothing but pleasure, happiness, and appeasement.

Above all, wait for someone who offers all these things only to you and not to several women. Someone reliable, honest and sincere.

Wait for someone whose clothes will only smell like you. Someone who will only receive your love messages and those of no one else.

Be patient. Do not rush. Expect all these things because they are the guarantee of happiness. Wait until you are someone’s only choice. Wait for someone who gives you the feeling that you were made to be together. Wait for someone who makes you feel like you are experiencing something magical.

Wait for this precious love

It is important. Love is perhaps the most important thing in our lives. And the time it takes should not be wasted with worthy men who make you cry.

Of course, we all want to find someone, to share our life with a lover. But we must not jump on the first comer. You must first focus on yourself and gain self-confidence. It is only by succeeding in doing that that you discover yourself and that you learn to run only after what you deserve.

Don’t settle for a mediocre relationship.

And above all prepare yourself for this moment. Make sure you are ready to receive this kind of love. Know that this is what you deserve and nothing less. Wait for someone for whom you will feel the same.

Wait for someone who puts butterflies in your stomach and makes you want to fly away. Wait for the one with whom everything seems possible. Not someone who is perfect, but someone who will be perfect for you.

Wait for someone to make your life more beautiful. Someone who adds joy to your daily life. Someone you can trust and trust.