Fluffy chocolate brownies with thermomix

Fluffy chocolate brownies with thermomix, a delicious cake for your dessert, easy to prepare at home, here is the thermomix recipe.


  • 200 g dark chocolate
  • 120 g butter
  • 60 g sugar
  • 60 g flour
  • 100 g of nuts
  • 3 eggs
  • cinnamon powder


First heat your oven to 180 °, butch, and flour a cake mold.
Then put the dark chocolate in pieces in the bowl of your thermomix and mix for 10 seconds at speed 6 … set aside.
Without washing the bowl put in the eggs and sugar and mix for 2 minutes at speed 4 to make a mousse.
Once you have the mousse add the flour, butter, 2 pinches of cinnamon then mix for 2 minutes at speed 4.
After add the reserved chocolate then program your thermomix for 3 minutes – 50 ° – speed 2.
At the ringtone add the nuts then mix all this time for 12 seconds at speed 4.
Then pour the dough into the floured mold and put in the oven for a 20 minutes cooking time.
To check if the brownie is well cooked, insert a toothpick in the center and check if it is clean, if it is the case your cake is well cooked.
Then let your brownie cool, cut into squares and serve.
Finally here is your chocolate brownies with thermomix.