4 symptoms indicating that you are not getting enough vitamin K

Vitamin K ensures the proper coagulation of blood. Indeed, its absence can cause constant bleeding and, in the worst case, a stroke. It is recommended to consume green vegetables to increase your levels of vitamin K. Here are the symptoms that could indicate this deficiency:

1. Haemorrhages:

Because your blood is in a more liquid state than normal, you are more likely to bleed if you have a small cut. Remember that these bleeds can also occur internally.

2. The appearance of bruises:

The bruises consist of an accumulation of blood. They are therefore the sign of internal bleeding. If you start having bruises frequently, it is necessary to do blood tests to check your vitamin K levels.

 3. Purpuric Syndrome:

The accumulation of blood can produce red or purple spots, which do not disappear. They usually occur in the ankles.

4. Excessive Calcification in the Joints:

Vitamin K is a driver that places vitamin D in the right places. Then, if the levels of the first are low, the second begins to accumulate in the joints and cartilage. If your deficiency is very high, you will suffer from acute pain and feel a sense of weakness. In addition, an excess of calcium hinders your movements.

If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor and take tests.