Here is the ideal diet for each body type

The body of each human being and his morphology are different. And according to these morphological characteristics, everyone is supposed to follow a diet that is appropriate to him. The latter must respond to his vital needs, to enable him to maintain his state of health, and the proper functioning of his body. So according to your morphology, the diet that you are supposed to follow.
Throughout history, philosophers have often tried to establish a link between the personality and the human physique, trying to classify it according to specific types. But it was not until 1940 that the psychologist William Sheldon was able to propose three morphological types categorized by genetics only:

  • The mesomorph that designates a large and muscular body.
  • The endomorph for fat and chubby body.
  • The ectomorph to designate an elongated body, with fine and reduced muscles.

He called these categories somatotypes, but this classification is still incomplete. The type of physics is not only defined by genetics, but also by external factors such as lifestyle, physical activity, and stress. It is not static since birth but can change during the life cycle, depending on the factors that may impact it. A somatotype is defined to help people improve their physical condition, primarily for performance as part of a sports exercise.

The right diet according to your somatotype

The ectomorphic body

An ectomorphic person has a rather thin corpulence, with a thin frame and long limbs. The ectomorphs have difficulty gaining muscle mass. If you fall into this category, you must first make a medical check to see if there is another reason behind your thinness. Any hormonal disorder or disability can also affect your weight gain.

The ectomorphs have a fast metabolism. And according to the American Council on Exercise, the most appropriate diet for them should be based on a daily intake of 50% to 60% of carbohydrates, 25% of proteins and 25% of lipids. They should eat every two hours or every four hours, and increase their intake by 500 calories if they want to gain weight. It is also better for them to eat more hot dishes than cold dishes, these first being more easily digested.

In terms of foods, we find:

  • Carbohydrates from oat flakes, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, potatoes.
  • For fruits: bananas, mangoes, pineapple, papaya, avocado, and peaches.
  • For vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, carrots, and beets.
  • Favor cooking with coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Take nuts and seeds as a snack.

The endomorphic body

Marilyn Monroe or Sophia Vergara can give you a clearer insight into this somatotype. These are generally small in size, pear morphology, medium bone structure, and small shoulders. Their weight is not uniformly distributed at the level of their body but rather at the hips and thighs. These people have a metabolism sensitive to carbohydrates and insulin. As a result, they have a higher body fat level. They also have more difficulty in losing weight, hence the need to adopt a diet based on a uniform distribution of macronutrients.

Carbohydrates must come mainly from vegetables and the amounts of starch must be reduced. They must not consume white flour or processed foods. If they were to adopt a diet, the Paléo program would be a good example to follow. Their meals should contain a similar prevalence of about 35% protein, 30% carbohydrate and 35% fat.

The mesomorphic body

People qualified as mesomorphs have a higher prevalence of muscle mass and a medium-sized bone structure. They have broad shoulders and a narrow waist, with a low level of body fat. They are naturally stronger and can lose weight more easily.

It goes without saying that their caloric needs are higher than other somatotypes, this is due to the prevalence of their muscle mass which requires more calories to keep it in good condition. The most appropriate diet for them would contain a greater proportion of protein. Their plate should be one-third protein, one-third vegetable or fruit and one-third whole grain (or healthy fats like avocado).

The kind of food to consume :

Protein: eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, lentils, Greek yogurt.
Carbohydrates: fruits and vegetables, quinoa, brown rice, oat flakes.
Healthy fats: nuts, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil
If you can not fully identify with a somatotype, it is quite normal because the human body is rather a mixture of two types with the prevalence of one. Just identify your predominant morphotype and follow the recommended diet.