Sure, you might think he’s falling for you, but is he really?
You probably just don’t know.
Although he makes it clear that he is starting to have feelings for you, they may not be so clear to you.
Guys don’t usually show their emotions the way we’d like them to, and that can be a little confusing.
If you’re wondering whether or not he’s interested in you romantically, look out for the following signs.
These signs will be there if he’s really interested.
1. He Makes Time For You.
If he’s starting to have feelings for you, he’ll make time for you.
He will spend time with you as much as he can.
While it may seem like his schedule is full, he will still manage.
2. He Notices The Little Things About You.
If he’s got feelings for you, he’ll pay attention to the little things.
He will notice all the things that other people don’t.
Even the things you think don’t matter, he’ll understand.
3. He Hears The Things You Say.
If he has feelings for you, he will listen to your words very carefully.
He will remember things about you that other people don’t.
Everything you say matters to him.
4. He Shows His Vulnerable Side.
If he is starting to have feelings for you, he will show you his vulnerable side.
He will open up to you in a way that other people don’t.
He does this because he wants you to see the real you.
5. He introduced you to his friends and family.
If he has feelings for you, he will usually be more than willing to introduce you to people who are important to him.
He will want you to meet his friends and family.
The people closest to him will know who you are.
6. You Share Funny Moments Together.
If he has feelings for you, he will be someone you can laugh with.
He will have a good sense of humor and won’t take things too far.
Everything will sort of fall into place.
7. If You Need Him, He’s There.
If he has feelings for you, he will be there when you need him.
If you call in the middle of the night, he will be there for you.
You don’t have to worry about whether or not he’s going to be around for a long time.
8. He Always Delivers What He Promises.
If he’s got feelings for you, he’s going to do the things he says he would.
If he promises you something, it will happen.
He goes out of his way to make sure you don’t get your hopes up for anything.
9. He Cares About Your Opinion.
If he’s picking up on feelings, it’s obvious he cares about your opinion.
He will ask what you think about many things and he will listen carefully.
He values what you have to say.
10. He Responds Quickly.
If he’s picking up on feelings, he’ll respond to you quickly.
If you’re texting, you don’t have to wait a million years for an answer.
While this may not seem like much, it is a big deal.
11. You Can Feel A Connection.
If he is feeling something for you, you will feel a connection.
You will be able to easily catch this connection in the air.
Although you may not notice it at first, the stronger it grows, the faster you will notice.
12. You Can Talk to Him About Anything.
If he has feelings for you, you can talk to him about anything and everything.
When something is bothering you, you can talk to him about it.
Nothing is off-limits.
13. He Does Cute Things For You.
If he is feeling something for you, you will notice that he does a lot of good things for you.
Although they may be small, they still make a difference.
It’s him going out of his way to make sure you’re well taken care of.
14. He Cares About Your Emotions.
If he’s starting to have feelings for you, you’ll notice how attentive he is to your emotions.
If you are upset, he will comfort you.
He takes your emotions into consideration often.
15. You Catch Him Looking at You Often.
You may notice him looking at you from across the room or looking a little longer than others.
That’s because you’re always on his mind.
When you’re thinking, he can’t help but look in your direction.