5 signs that you are meant to be together

Being madly in love is one of the most magical experiences in life.

Questions arise when you meet someone new: To stay or not to stay? Is it the right one or not? Are we compatible? Can it be my soul mate?

You don’t know if you are “made for each other”. So how do you answer these questions? Sometimes the answer is as simple as stepping back and opening your heart to what’s in front of you.

Here are 5 signs that you are meant to be together:

1. You may be vulnerable.

When you allow yourself to open up, you are living authentically. You become raw and real. It is beautiful to accept your faults and those of your partner . Taking ownership of the whole story of the other is liberating. It is in this vulnerability that true love flourishes. If you can share and carry your soul without feeling scrutinized or criticized, this person is to be kept.

2. You respect each other.

Mutual appreciation requires a high level of trust and respect. Respect requires honesty. The true form of love is the way you behave with each other in a relationship. In this state of respect, you can share things that you would not tell anyone. Respect is earned. When you are in a relationship that provides security and safety, you have found someone special.

3. You are not jalouse.

You can’t wait to find yourself, but you also need a lot of space. There is no jealousy in the relationship because you remain individuals. There is no tension about past insecurities because you feel comfortable with each other (and without the other) all the time. You spend time alone with your friends, and each time you reconnect, it’s rewarding. There is no codependency or possessiveness. You want to be together, but you recognize the importance of having freedom of expression and separate interests.

4. You laugh together.

Laughter comes naturally. You can make fun of each other. Laughter is omnipresent in your relationship. Often these types of relationships start with friendships. You appreciate yourself enough to be yourself. It is a healthy place. If you can laugh at yourself with your partner without holding back the sarcasm, you have something that is beyond special. These relationships are destined to last.

5. You elevate each other.

You are helping each other to achieve the best possible versions of yourself. You become explorers and adventurers by finding ways to bring joy to each other. You accept everything from one another without feeling judged or judging. It is in this type of relationship that the best is highlighted. If your relationship is based on admiration and inspiration for each other, you have found a gem.

Final thoughts

There is no manual for relationships, but these signs will help you get started. Ultimately, your heart will tell you when you find Mr. or Mrs. Perfect . Sometimes it takes a few Mr. or Mrs. Perfect-on-the-moment to teach you what you expect from a partner. As psychologist Carl Jung once said, “Meeting two personalities is like contacting two chemicals: if there is a reaction, both transform.”