How to Know When Your Marriage Is Coming to an End

The honeymoon is over and you are starting to notice some fundamental differences and problems that you are not prepared to deal with.

Relationships are hard work and many of us are afraid of any passing tensions or bumps that are normal for any relationship.

No relationship is roses and champagne 24/7, but when we run into a problem, we get scared and think we’ve fallen in love.

This feeling can snowball into cheating, arguments, or a gradual estrangement from each other.

There are things you can do to try to get your marriage back on track, but it’s also important to know when to give up.

Here are some signs that may indicate that your marriage is coming to an end.

6 Signs Your Marriage Is Over

1 . You don’t share anymore

Communication is the apex of a healthy and successful relationship.

Are you the last hi the last to know about your partner’s decisions?

Do you feel like you no longer know what is going on in his or her life?

It’s not necessary to share every thought with each other, but being able to share your successes and talk about your problems, concerns, and insecurities is crucial.

If you find that communication has broken down or become non-existent in your relationship, it is a major negative indicator of the health of your relationship.

2 . Do You Fantasize Being Single

It’s not uncommon to reminisce about the “good old days” when you used to paint the seven in town with your single friends.

But if you find yourself daydreaming about how much better your life would be if you weren’t married, it might be time to dig a little deeper to find out why you’re fantasizing about single life.

There may be some serious issues in your marriage that need to be resolved.

3 . Arguing About the Same Thing Over and Over Without Resolution

Disagreements are part of the course in relationships.

It’s how you handle these disagreements that will determine the success of the relationship.

Ideally, each disagreement or argument will lead to a solution that is satisfactory to both parties.

So if you find that every little disagreement turns into an open discussion, or if you keep arguing over the same issue without reaching a solution, your marriage is in jeopardy.

4 . You Feel Alone, Even When You’re Together

Marriage is sharing a life with another person, providing companionship, emotional and physical intimacy, and spending time with someone you love.

So if you’re always feeling lonely, even when your partner is in the same room, there could be an underlying problem that is eating away at your marriage.

This could mean that your partner is emotionally withdrawing or cutting you off.

5 . You have nothing else in common

When was the last time you guys laughed together or talked about random shared interests?

Chronic silence is the main symptom of marital breakdown.

Yes, our lives are busy and you may be too tired to talk to each other at the end of a busy day, but no one said marriage was easy.

If you’re finding it hard to talk about things other than dinnertime, or who’s going to do the laundry, your marriage could be in jeopardy.

6 . Do you find it difficult to support each other’s individual growth without feeling resentful?

A strong, healthy marriage is one where the couple actively supports each other’s dreams and goals and helps each other grow.

But if you’re starting to resent your partner’s success and are finding it increasingly difficult to feel genuinely happy for them, this could be an indication that you’re no longer operating as a unit.


Whether you decide to try to save your marriage or cut your losses and file for divorce, it’s important not to lose faith in love.

Marriage is not easy and it is a long road full of compromises, but it can also be a beautiful union between two compatible individuals.

Just because you’re having a hard time, doesn’t mean you should give up hope.

Whatever the outcome, your resilience and strength will pay off.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not intended to replace formal, individualized advice from a qualified professional.