Stop texting him to get his attention: 8 tips that really work

Stop texting him to get his attention

If you want to get a guy’s attention, you text him all the time in the hope that it’s enough. Texting a guy won’t get his attention. He will get upset with the chase and eventually just ignore you instead of turning your friendship into a relationship. Stop texting him to get his attention and try these eight things that are sure to help you have a relationship with the guy you like!

1. Stop constantly texting him

If you text a guy all the time, his attention will shift elsewhere. He will ignore you because you overwhelm him with text messages all the time. You will scare him away if you write too much to him. It’s tempting to text him every hour of the day to get you on his mind, but it takes more than that to really gain his attention. Stop constantly texting him if you want to get his attention. Instead, text him every now and then. In fact, this will ensure that he is more on your mind because he will not ignore you if you only text him sometimes. Instead of texting her multiple times a day, just text her a few times a week. This will make your texting a surprise and give you a better chance of being in a relationship. He will start chasing you if you stop chasing it. You should also try to wait until he texts you first to reply. Of course, it’s okay to text him first sometimes, but if you give him a break from all the constant texting, he’ll actually want to talk to you more so that he’s the one to text you. Stop texting him all the time and you are sure to get his attention!

2. Ignore him for a moment

If you want a relationship, you should ignore the person you like for a moment. Stop talking to him and spending time with him, but only for a little while. Don’t text him, don’t sit with him at lunch, and don’t show up at places you know he’s going to be. Show him that you are not too clingy and obnoxious by giving him the distance. Your guy will appreciate that you’ve backed off a bit and that will make him want to chase you. Don’t ignore him for too long or you might lose your chance with him. Stay for a week or two without communication, and then reconnect. The time away will make him miss you and realize how much he wants to be in a relationship with you. You will definitely have his attention if you try to ignore him for a moment and then stop and start texting and spend time with him again.

3. Play hard to get

Playing hard to get it is a great way to get the attention you want from the guy you like. He will pay attention to you and you should ignore him at first. Stop responding to his text messages immediately and send him vague replies when he asks what you are doing. If he asks you out, say no the first time. It’s not a resounding no, but tell him that you’re busy or can’t make it that night. Make it work for you and it will definitely want to haunt you. Guys love paying attention to girls who are not clingy or constantly texting them. By playing hard to get it, you are showing him that he has to chase you to get your attention. You will stop playing hard to get it once he shows you that he is worth your time. Once you have interested him and he has given you his full attention, you can put the facade aside and start a relationship with the boy. Don’t make a total switch and text him all the time or anything, but you can accept date invites right away and hang out with him. Playing hard to get it is a guaranteed way to get their attention!

4. Let him take the initiative

It’s totally okay for girls to be in the lead when they’re in a relationship or trying to ask a guy out. However, if you want his attention, let him take the lead. Stop starting conversations all the time, stop showing up wherever she is, and definitely don’t text her first. Let the boy be in control, at least for a while. Guys like to feel like they are in control of their relationships, so taking a step back and letting him be the leader will get your attention faster. Respond positively to the things you do. If he asks you out, say yes, but don’t be the one asking. If he texts you, reply but don’t text him first. By letting him take the lead, you are also making him work for your attention, which will make him want to pay his attention to you. It’s a great way to get a guy interested!

5. Be hot and cold

Being hot and cold is different from playing hard to get it. When you play hard to get it, you are being consistent. You’re ignoring him and you stop replying to his text messages the moment you receive them. When you are running hot and cold, you are mixing your behavior to interest him and keep his attention. Sometimes you can reply to their text messages right away. Other times, ignore him until he sends you a few messages and then only replies to the most recent one. Tell him you can’t go out a few times, and then tell him you can a few times, only to be told again that you can’t come. You don’t want to go overboard with hot and cold behavior, but mixing it up will ensure that he never gets bored. It’s like keeping the chase even when he’s already caught you, and the guys love it.


6. Spend time with him

Obviously, if you want their attention, you have to be on their radar. For this to happen, you must spend time with him. If you are looking for a more direct approach to getting a guy’s attention, stop with the games and stay close to him. It will make him notice you and he will not want to stop being around you once he realizes how amazing you are. There are a few ways to spend time with the guy you like. The first is to make it a group thing. This is probably your best option when you’re just starting out because hanging out in a group is so much more comfortable than trying to be one-on-one right away. Introduce your friends to your friends and mix up your group so everyone wants to spend time together. Then suggest some fun outings that everyone can do, even if it just means going to your favorite restaurant or going to a game room. This gives you a no-pressure way to hang out with your crush so that he’ll pay attention to you. The other way is to ask her to go out with the two of you. Do this only when you are comfortable enough so that it is not too uncomfortable. You should have a few group outings under your belt before attempting a one-on-one meeting. Going to dinner and a movie, even as friends, is a good starting point. Make your way to hangouts that require constant conversation. Once you are there, you will be in his sights and he will never want to let you go. Spending time with him is a sure way to get his attention! The other way is to ask her to go out with the two of you. Do this only when you are comfortable enough so that it is not too uncomfortable. You should have a few group outings under your belt before attempting a one-on-one meeting. Going to dinner and a movie, even as friends, is a good starting point. Make your way to hangouts that require constant conversation. Once you are there, you will be in his sights and he will never want to let you go. Spending time with him is a sure way to get his attention! The other way is to ask her to go out with the two of you. Do this only when you are comfortable enough so that it is not too uncomfortable. You should have a few group outings under your belt before attempting a one-on-one meeting. Going to dinner and a movie, even as friends, is a good starting point. Make your way to hangouts that require constant conversation. Once you are there, you will be in his sights and he will never want to let you go. Spending time with him is a sure way to get his attention! Make your way to hangouts that require constant conversation. Once you are there, you will be in his sights and he will never want to let you go. Spending time with him is a sure way to get his attention! Make your way to hangouts that require constant conversation. Once you are there, you will be in his sights and he will never want to let you go. Spending time with him is a sure way to get his attention!

7. Don’t change for him

Stop trying to change who you are to impress the guy you like. You shouldn’t have to become someone new to get their attention, and you definitely don’t have to! If he isn’t interested in the person you are, you shouldn’t want him at all. No guys are worth missing out on, and you will regret changing who you are if they break up. Even if they stay together forever, they will resent him for not liking who he used to be. Guys also like confident girls. Stop thinking that guys will only like you if you fit a specific mold. The person you like will respect that you know who you are and that you are willing to stand your ground. In fact, you are more likely to get their attention if you stay true to yourself. If you want his attention, don’t trade for him!

8. Talk to other guys

Another indirect way to get a guy’s attention is to talk to other guys. You should talk to other guys when your crush is around so they can see what you’re up to. He’ll realize that he doesn’t have you if he doesn’t give you the attention you deserve, so you’ll make him make a move. If he hasn’t realized how amazing you are yet, seeing you with another guy will show him that he loves you. Either way, talking to other guys in front of the person you like will definitely attract their attention. You should also talk to other guys in front of their friends, even when the person you like is not around. His friends will tell him what they saw, especially if the person you like is already interested in you. Hearing it from other people will definitely show him that he needs to pay attention to you before someone else steal you from him!

Now get his attention

Stop hiding behind the phone and texting him all the time. You will not get their attention by being an unbridled messenger. Use these other tips to get the attention of the guy you really like!