Telltale clues that your partner isn’t the one for you

Let’s be honest.

We can lie to anyone, but we can never lie to each other.

Of course, these are only clues but absolutely not absolute truths, keep your discernment because each situation is different.

If you keep fighting for his attention and keep demanding to come first in his life, he isn’t for you.

If he never admits he’s wrong and constantly runs away when you show him he’s done anything, he doesn’t deserve you.

If he’s never there when you need him, and he keeps building walls but never bridges to guard you, he’s not for you.

If he’s only good at using sweet words, but never good at taking action, then he’s not the right fit for you.

If he isn’t enjoying what you are doing and isn’t fully supporting you, both verbally and physically, then he’s not for you.

If he doesn’t compromise and move mountains for you, and constantly puts you in competition with other people, shaking your self-confidence, then he’s not the right fit for you.

If he is not making love to your soul but only to your body, he is not for you.

If he doesn’t cry with you and laugh with you, he doesn’t deserve you.

If he doesn’t respect you or what you want, and he doesn’t listen to you, your needs, or your words, he’s not the right person for you.

If your confidence in him is shaken because of him and you constantly keep fighting to rebuild it, he doesn’t deserve you.

If he never kisses you on the forehead, and he makes you cry more than he makes you laugh, he’s not for you.

If he doesn’t hold your hand, grab you by the waist, and cover your shoulders with his arms, he doesn’t deserve you.

If he controls you, invades your privacy, and prevents you from becoming the best version of yourself, he doesn’t deserve you.

If he doesn’t take care of you when you’re sick, he’s not for you.

If he never keeps his promises or his word, is too egotistical, and only talks about himself, he doesn’t deserve you.

If he’s not being honest and never lets you access his personal life, then he’s the wrong person for you.

If he constantly saps your energy mentally and emotionally, he doesn’t deserve you.

If he keeps telling you he’s the one for you but never proves it, he’s not for you

If your intuition tells you that it is not for you, listen to it, it is often right.