Attraction can be understood as a concept of physics.
However, it also extends to the field of interpersonal relationships and psychology. Thus, the attraction between people is a concept of social psychology, which tries to study it in all its aspects.
In this article, we will know the 7 types of attraction that exist (between people) . We will know its definition, its characteristics, and its manifestations. In addition, we will explain what interpersonal attraction consists of within social psychology.
What is the interpersonal attraction?
Interpersonal attraction is considered a type of force that comes from other people towards us; In other words, it is a desire that others awaken in us, and that makes us want to meet those people, to get closer to them, and to talk to them.
However, there are different types of attraction between people, depending on the type of desire that appears and the relationship we have with that person. Each type of attraction has its defining characteristics and specific manifestations.
In other words, attraction is a social phenomenon that arouses our interest and that prompts us to carry out actions such as: getting closer to others, starting conversations, flirting, flirting, etc. We tend to be attracted to people who, for one reason or another (intellect, physique, personality …) like us or make us feel good.
This phenomenon has a lot to do with love, friendship, or physical, as we will see throughout the article.
The 7 types of attraction that exist
We have already explained, roughly, what is the attraction between people. It is something that, in a way, connects us to them; It is a kind of force that makes us want someone, or feel curious about that person; for getting closer, talking to her, getting to know her more, etc.
The attraction can appear before strangers, before friends, before lovers, before couples, before relatives, etc., depending on the type of attraction in question.
We are going to see the 7 types of attraction that exist (between people).
1. Romantic attraction
The first of the types of attraction that we are going to explain is romantic attraction. It is a type of attraction that has nothing to do with physical attraction itself; but rather the desire to maintain a romantic relationship with that person. Thus, it is a more emotional, deeper type of attraction.
This type of attraction can appear when, for example, we maintain a very good friendship with a person and suddenly we feel the desire to start a sentimental relationship (as a couple) with that person, because we feel something deeper, a feeling different from that of friendship ( love).
Love is based on romantic attraction, although it is also nourished by other types of attraction between people, which we will see below.
2. Physical attraction
When we speak of objective physical, it means that we think that a person we know is physically attractive; for example, it is to think that someone is very handsome, but without the need to imagine “anything” with that person.
This usually happens with friends of all life, from childhood; that we are not physically attracted to them, but that we do think that they are very handsome.
3. Attraction of friendship
The third type of attraction is friendship. In this case, we are talking about the desire to share moments with a person whom we consider to be a friend. We feel an attraction towards that friendship because said person or relationship brings us personal well-being and satisfaction.
Thus, this type of attraction is far from physical or romantic and has more to do with enjoying a lot with a person.
In this way, the attraction of friendship is felt by our friends. Normally it occurs in a “pure” way, without other types of added attraction, with people of the same gender as us.
4. Sentimental attraction
Sentimental attraction is similar to romantic attraction, because it is related to feelings, although in this case, the feelings do not have to be romantic or loving. Thus, sentimental attraction implies that another person awakens intense feelings, although not enough to want to start a sentimental relationship with them.
In a way, this type of attraction is like the romantic one but less intense. It can also be said that it awakens slightly different feelings, such as admiration, pride, etc. towards the other or the other.
5. Sensual or sensory attraction
The sensual or sensory attraction has to do with contact, caresses, hugs, “pampering”, closeness … That is, it is the desire to experiment with the senses in relation to another person.
We feel it when someone likes us or attracts our attention and we want to get closer to him or her, feel him / her close, etc. It also appears with people we already know for whom we feel some affection or appreciation.
6. Intellectual attraction
The next type of attraction is intellectual attraction. It has to do with the desire to meet someone in their most intellectual facet; that is when we think that a person is very interesting, intelligent, that he can teach us or contribute many things, that he has a lot of cultures, etc.
Intellectual attraction often leads to physical attraction. Also, this type of attraction is mixed with feelings of respect, admiration, and pride towards someone.