This is how a man who highly thinks of you will treat you

In love, you have probably already known a few malicious men.

You’ve met men you loved more than they loved you, you dated men who made you doubt your worth, and you probably met some guys who didn’t appreciate either the things you did for them or yourself.

It’s all part of life and the legend says that before being ready for the boy who will treat us with respect, we must first go out with the wrong people.

Sometimes the problem arises as soon as life sends you a man worthy of your time and love, but who is not ready to treat you as you deserve. And again, you could miss it, because you don’t excel in the art of reading signs.

But in order to prevent such a thing from happening and to avoid missing out on the perfect guy, the one who holds you in high regard, the one who thinks you are more than up to it in order to take part of his life, there are signs you need to spot.

1. He will write to you first

It’s not about who wears the pants, but if a man recognizes your worth and thinks you’re up, he won’t let anyone take his place.

He will write to you first and make sure you get a note as soon as you wake up because he will want his name to be the first thing you see in the morning.

Also, he will never let you fall asleep without wishing you good night because he wants to make sure that when you go to bed, you wonder if he is thinking of you.

2. It will never lead you to fear that it will repel you overnight

A man who understands your worth and holds you in high regard will never do anything disrespectful like ignoring or disappearing overnight.

With a man who knows your worth, you will always know what he feels and will know it too, if his feelings change. He wouldn’t show you his loss of interest through shortened messages or anything like that.

He would speak to you frankly and try to solve your problems, rather than running away and hiding as the little frightened boys do.

3. He will make sure you know that he will always be available to you

You won’t need to think twice before writing to him or worry about shocking him because he’ll make sure you know that seeing your name appear on his screen is always a pleasure to him.

He will prove to you that you are at the very top of his priority list and that you will always be the first to whom he gives his time. He will always find a niche for the woman although you are.

4. He will make a place for you in his life and in his future

With a man who knows your worth, you will never have to doubt the place you occupy in his life.

You won’t even have to wonder if he plans to make room for you in his life because he will talk about the things you will do together in the future.

The best thing is that you will not have to fight for this place since in his eyes, it will be completely logical to give it to you. He will do it himself because he knows you are up to the task. He wouldn’t do anything that could cause him to lose you.

5. He will never make you wonder if you are his girlfriend or one of his girlfriends

It may have been a question you asked yourself in your previous relationships but with a man who knows your worth, it’s something you will never have to ask yourself.

Because he will do everything he can to show you that you are special and to make sure you know that you are the one and only in his eyes.

He will make sure that you know there is only you and that one woman is more than enough for him.

6. He will make you comfortable expressing your feelings with him

You will neither need to hold back nor need to wait before telling him what he means to you because he will do it before you!

It will show you that it does not hold back and that you, therefore, do not have to either. In fact, they will be happy to see you express yourself and be able to avoid having to suppress your feelings.

He will do all this because building a healthy relationship with you will be of the utmost importance. Precisely because he knows that you are up to it and that he will, therefore, want to do things correctly.

7. When you fall for him, he will be there to catch you

He would never let you down for him if he didn’t intend to catch up with you. He would never let you love him if he did not intend to love you in return.

Rather, it will make sure you know it fell for you, long before you start dating. And once he is certain that his feelings are reciprocal, he will not ignore them; on the contrary, he will make sure to treat you even better.

8. He will ‘exhibit’ you with pride

Not only will his friends and family know about you, but he will also treat you with the utmost respect. Because he admired you before he even met you, thanks to the stories he heard about you.

What is more, you will not need to justify your bad actions to your family or friends, because he will be more than happy to meet them and get on well with them. Because he will know that they are part of your life and are important to you.

It will never do anything to impose itself between you and them, nor is it worth worrying about it.

9. He will prove to you and to the world that he is certain of you

If a man is hiding from you, it is clear that something is wrong. But when a man knows your worth and when he is sure that you are up to it, there will not be a single person around him who has not heard of you.

He will never refrain from giving you his hand in public or showing you his love in front of others because he will be more than happy that the whole world will know what wonderful woman he has by his side.

If he thinks you’re up to it, he’ll show it to you. He will do everything he can to make you fall in love with him and become ‘his’. Because no sane man would let a woman slip through his fingers. He will do everything he can to show you that he too is worthy of your love.