What makes men attractive to women according to scientists

The surveys that abound in women’s magazines are formal, Gentlemen: 20% of your power of seduction depends on your physique, the remaining 80% reside in your attitude. So if you take care of yourself, you have self-confidence, you are popular and dynamic, you take care of others, especially the weakest, and that you can be counted on, you are attractive and you have all your chances with the female gender.

A new study by the University of North Carolina invites you to add a new string to your bow: being a good storyteller makes you more attractive to women, she suggests.

In this study, women reviewed the profile of hypothetical contenders, including a photo of each and a story he allegedly told. Then they noted their potential as a long-term partner. It turned out that they found good storytellers 29% more desirable than those who had less talent in this area.

Having brilliant conversational skills means that you are intelligent and have good interpersonal skills – qualities that make you a good partner, says study author Dr. Melanie Green.

For example, if you’re talking about a camping trip, the phrase “From the moment we left the dock, it looked like we were cursed” is better than “I think it’s starting to go wrong”.

“We swam vigorously for twenty minutes” outweighed “We swam fast for a while”.
Formulas intended to fill in the blanks of the “Wait. Did it happen that way? Yes, I think “did not seem to please these ladies.

Tips for telling a good story:

  • Know where you’re coming from before you start telling the story, so you don’t get lost or lose your “audience” along the way.
  • Don’t overdo it: if you’re too funny or too dramatic, the story will sound wrong. Be authentic.
  • Choose your anecdote carefully. Good stories are battles against adversity, whether it’s the day you graduated or the day you got lost in the woods. The best ones show both external conflicts (an argument with a neighbor) and internal conflicts (overcoming an addiction).
  • Show your emotions . Flaunt what you feel, provided it is authentic emotions: joy, sadness, fear, anger … This will create in your audience a feeling of empathy and help them project themselves into your story.
  • Make the story memorable by telling the facts 80% and introducing 20% ​​comments on how the main hero lived the events.
  • Split your story into episodes. Depending on the time you have, cut out your story to keep your audience in suspense.
  • Save your story when needed. Sometimes a story falls flat. In this case, self-mockery is your best weapon: “This story is not as good as I thought when I started it”, “It seems that this anecdote was more interesting in my head than telling it” …