When you love someone, you have to be there even when things go wrong!

When you love someone, you don’t just have to be there for the good times and when life is rosy. You also have to be there when everything collapses and the blue sky turns black.

You should sit on the floor next to your partner when he/she is crying like a fountain. You have to listen to them complain and talk about what is bothering them, even if there is nothing you can do to change their situation or make them smile again.

You must be the shoulder on which he/she can rest when he/she crosses a bad patch, even if you yourself are in a complicated or even depressed moment.

You cannot turn your pain into a competition. You cannot tell him that he (she) does not have the right to feel disturbed, sad, nervous or anxious because you think your situation is worse. You must accept each of its feelings and give them importance.

You have to do everything in your power to try to understand why this person is feeling this way and what caused him to have a nervous breakdown. And don’t forget: she has the right to complain because of her situation even if you are on the brink yourself!

When you love someone, their problems become yours. You cannot leave him to fend for himself while a tragedy takes place in his life. You can’t go for a drink with your friends and pretend their problems have nothing to do with you.

You go out with this person, so this concerns you! You are automatically involved in this situation.

When you love someone, you let them breathe when they need to be alone, but you never let them suffer on their side when they need to. from you! You should never disappoint your partner, especially when he/she is going through an emotionally difficult period.

When you love someone, it is not always easy to make the right decisions, but in any case, you must do your utmost to put that person first. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for it when things are out of control.

Sometimes you have to forget your schedule so that you can be there when he/she needs it most. You cannot wait for the weather to be right for you, to help him: you must act quickly!

You have to be very caring even when it is not the right time for you, when you are busy or when you want to be somewhere else! Because, when you love someone, there may be phone calls at two in the morning or requests at midnight.

There may also be frantic messages during your work meeting because the problems your partner is going through may not always be under control. He (she) cannot only call you when it suits you, sometimes your partner needs you when you have the least time to devote to him.

When you love someone, you can’t choose which parts to take and which parts to leave. You have to accept it as it is! You can’t be there when everything is fine, then leave when the sauce turns sour.

You must support him when he (she) experiences difficult moments: you must be his rock, his support, and his shoulder to cry.

When you love someone, you’re not just there for laughs and celebrations; you are also present for the sad, painful and stormy moments. You have to stay together whatever happens!