Win His Heart: How To Tell A Guy You Like Him

Win over your boy’s heart

Expressing your feelings for your loved one is difficult. The fear of being rejected and hurting makes it difficult for you to express yourself. This is the scary and fun part of being in love. Feeling nervous and those throbbing heartbeats when he’s around you are all those romantic feelings in the initial stages of being in love. But when you tell him how you feel, all those feelings will slowly fade away. It’s because your first touches and first kisses can never always be the same. Eventually, you will get used to your guy being around you and telling him that your love will be easy. But those initial stages are always worth it. So, enjoy while it lasts. Here are some ways you can win your guy’s heart and tell him that you like him.

1. Use your body language to tell him that you like him

The eyes are powerful communicators when it comes to expressing your love. Glancing at him when he’s not looking at you, long glances, and looking away when he notices will give him the message that you like him. By being all at an angle towards him, even when he is far away, smiling a lot around him, all this will secretly tell him that you like him. Watch very carefully how you react so you know if you like him again.

2. Share your common interests

The best way to win your guy’s heart is by sharing your mutual interests. Talk to him about your childhood passion, hobbies if you have the same. Talking about your interests in the text is always a good conversation starter. Having the same interests can send a message to your guy that you have a lot in common and that it’s a good sign. It could help you get closer.

3. Be supportive

Men are easy to impress, just be supportive at all times. Anytime you feel like your guy is broke or broken, make sure you are there to help him. Cheer him on when he’s really lost, make sure you bring out the best side of your guy. Be the support person you’ve always wanted your guy to be. It’s a surefire way to tell him that you like your guy. Observe his behavior towards you to know for sure if he likes you or not.

4. Say sorry when you are wrong

It’s not easy to apologize when you’re wrong. Only when you really value your relationship more than your ego does it get a little simpler. So asking for forgiveness becomes easier only when it’s for the people you really like. By telling your guy you’re sorry, you’re telling him that you like him. It is a great way to win your boy’s heart. See how he reacts when you tell him you’re sorry, it’s a great way to tell if he likes you. They may feel special when you apologize, so they might brag to all their friends about what happened.

5. Respect their personal space

Never be too available, but respect that even your guy needs some alone time. Don’t go around clinging to him, he may never learn to respect that. But give it its space; When you like someone, it is very important to value their time as well. So make sure you don’t indulge in her affairs and make her afraid of you. Acknowledging the fact that your guy needs some time with his friends and family and that he has a life of his own will help him understand that you like him.

6. Praise him

Make sure to shower him with lots of compliments. Everyone loves to be appreciated, so do you. Appreciate him for his looks, for his career growth, or just how amazing he is. Make sure to give your guy credit for being really awesome. Let your guy know that you like him just by the way you compliment him. Never overdo it as you could easily figure it out. Never fake a compliment, be genuine whenever you do. If you’re feeling a bit shy to compliment him around his friends, you can text him. Even if it’s a text message, you can easily say that it will make your day when you appreciate it.

7. Surprise with gifts

To win your guy’s heart it’s important to know what really matters to him, his important dates, and the like. You want to make him feel special and treasured by showering him with gifts, even if it’s for a silly reason. This clearly sends a message to your guy that you like him. Now, to save yourself some embarrassment down the road, watch how you react when you give it away and how your guy treasures his gifts. If you value them simply because it was their gift, chances are your guy likes it.

8. Flirt with him

Flirting with him is the easiest way to tell your guy that you like him. Try to flirt with him even if he is with his friends and wait until you notice if he chooses the message that you like. As we all know, guys are very bad at picking up signals, even when they are really obvious. So it’s your job to be very careful and be a bit more obvious when flirting even through text. Don’t overdo it as it might scare your boy. Don’t miss out on noticing how he reacts, obviously, he’s going to flirt too, but is there any depth that you need to observe? This will tell you if he likes you again.

9. Start conversations with him

When you like your guy, you should keep his full attention on yourself, at least when he’s around you. You can try to start a conversation with your guy, like his favorite music, sport, celebrity, etc. Communication is the foundation of all relationships, so you need to know about your guy. These friendly conversations will help you learn more about him and can make you like him even more. This is a way to tell him that you like him and win his heart.

10. Be a great listener

Your guy may want to be heard, so when you show up and are a great listener to him, he will impress him. Don’t just be a listener, but be an active listener and remember all your stories even if they are really boring. You have to secretly tell him that you are there for him. Even when you’re texting, make sure all of your long, never-ending stories are valued and acknowledge the little details that you brought up as well. This will tell you that you like it.

11. Hug him

Telling a guy that you like him means that he should get a little physical. Guys are a bit boring and not very good at choosing between lines. So this will send him a pretty clear message that you like him. Hug him when he’s down or sad to make him feel better, or just hug him because you want to, your guy will never say NO to that. This will clearly tell him that you like him and who knows you could win his heart.

12. Be a little jealous

Be a little jealous and tell him that you like him. Jealousy never creeps into relationships unless there is a little love in them. So, act a little jealous, tell him that he makes you feel uncomfortable around other girls. This should tell him that you like him. Observe their behavior when you act jealously; If he seems to comfort you, then he probably likes you.

13. Commitment to make him happy

In their everyday life, the little gestures we do for the ones we like make a big impression on them. If you have to make a few commitments just to make him smile, then commit yourself. Nothing is more charming than finding your balance with someone you like. You must be ready to give a part of yourself to your boy. When you make commitments for him, he will clearly tell him that you like him.

14. Tell him you like him

What’s the point of expecting him to make the first move when you’re clearly in it? Be brave, polite, and tell him how you feel about him. Make sure your guy understands how you feel about him. Face him in person and tell him and save yourself from all the drama to find out if he likes you or not.

15. Ask him out on a date

If you really want your guy to know that you like him, then you should ask him out on a date. You can plan a movie or go to a romantic dinner this way, you can easily tell him that you like him. When you ask a guy out, he’ll be even more excited that you like him. It is normal to get excited when someone tells you that they love you. So, go ahead, take the next big step and ask him to come out.

If you like your guy, tell him what’s the point of expecting him to notice when guys are clueless. Never wait for him to make the first move. You are interested in him, let him know how you feel about him. Never let your darling be divided into friends. If your guy isn’t interested in you, accept it gracefully and try to move on. Sometimes you need to face the bitter truth to let it go. So even if you get rejected, respect your guy for letting you know the truth. But, if he reciprocates your feelings, then you are very lucky. Have a fun-filled love life. All the best!