10 questions you should never ask your man!

At the risk of quickly regretting the answers …

It’s simple, remember one thing: for men, the slightest sentence that comes out of our mouth is a potential threat. They never know whether or not to tell the truth. They always feel like they are messing around with the answer. You might as well say that we are putting pressure on them! What if we let them breathe a bit? Here are 10 questions to avoid during your exchanges with your lover.

Who is the s**xiest? Me or Jennifer Lawrence?

Does he really have to answer this question? No matter how much your man loves you with all his heart, there are battles that are lost in advance. Reduce your question …

Do you think I’ve put on weight?

Lie, tell the truth, lie, tell the truth ?! As much to tell you that in his head it is agitated. If you’ve really put on weight, he knows full well it’s going to hit him the minute he says “yes”. His only chance: to answer “yes, but I love you as you are, you know”. As much to say to you that you will not even hear the 2 nd part of the sentence!

Do we really have to talk to your mom?

Unless you boycott yours as well, it’s going to be hard to get between him and stepmom. Little reminder: she was there before you!

Do you think Lea was right earlier?

Obviously, you are only waiting for one thing, for him to take your side. (Even if you know for a fact that Lea was right)! Him, he’s already telling himself that his chances of sleeping on the sofa have doubled …

How many girls have you slept with altogether?

Is it really that important to know that? The problem is that in either case (1 VS 200), he does not necessarily want to be judged. Especially afterwards he will necessarily return the question to you. Remember: most men hate to remember that there was someone before them …

Do you find her pretty?

What if you stop trying to trick him? Of course, he finds her pretty, otherwise, he wouldn’t be looking at her. But is it a crime for all that? Don’t tell us that you don’t drool over a poster with Bradley Cooper or when you meet the hunk in the office …

What are you thinking about?

Alert, alert, alert! Believe us, you don’t always want to know. And if that makes him uncomfortable, there is a 9 out of 10 chance that it will lead to a conflict.

Ah! See Michael, can I come?

Uh hello? Does it get stuck every time you see your girlfriends? If evenings with mutual friends are completely compatible, you also have to know how to let go from time to time.

Am I your best shot?

Olala… Collateral drama in 3-2-1… If no one has ever beaten Melinda, her super s**xy ex, do you really want to know?

What don’t you like about me?

Again, we head straight for the argument. Let’s stop lying. To collect the praise, we are the first. But as soon as it comes to hearing what is wrong, we go straight to “But what makes you say that ?!” “.