11 signs, when a man plays with you, he does these things without thinking

Why do men play with women? Not always for being bad people. Many times they are just victims of their insecurity. When a man plays with you he does these things, but not always consciously. They also suffer.

When a guy plays with you and plays with other women he can be a womanizer. For many men, being a womanizer is a pride, but others hide it. In any case, the victim is themselves. But many women are very affected.

When a man plays with your feelings, it is said that it is normal to feel hurt. However, feeling like the victim is also a lack of self-esteem. Your expectation of being happy is outside of you. As it is not fulfilled, you suffer, but it is your own sabotage.

1.- He always presents you only as his friend

If they have been as a couple and you always present him as your lover or boyfriend, he should do the same. If he does not and you allow him to continue as if nothing or accept his excuses is your responsibility.

In reality, the responsibility when a man plays with a woman is more on the woman than on the man. What do you do with a man who doesn’t respect you? Why don’t you respect yourself?

2.- When a man plays with you he does these things

If you are not his priority, he is not interested in you. He doesn’t love you and you can’t make him love you. Why do men play with women? For immature, because they are not ready because you allow it.

He looks for you only if he has nothing to do. Anything else is more important than you. If he has a plan, he will never change or cancel it to go out with you or help you.

3.- Appears and disappears and says he wants to be single

Many people complain, why do men play with the feelings of women? Because you allow it. Obviously, they have some emotional problems, insecurity, and a lack of self-esteem.

But your problem is that it plays with you and makes you feel bad. In this case that is your responsibility. If you cut with him you would do him a favor, but above all, you would show courage to decide what you want.

4.- He always takes you in lonely places

A man may be ashamed, insecure, immature, etc., and appear to be playing with you. He doesn’t want you to be shown together in public, so he dates you in lonely places.

It is always your house or your house or a dark disco. If he always decides where to meet, where to walk, there is also a self-esteem problem in you.

5.- You are only interested in your own satisfaction

Watch out, when a man plays with you he does these things over and over again. What he does you cannot control. But if you stay by his side despite those games, that is your problem.

In relationships, there is no boss. If he is only interested in your satisfaction, uses you, and does not care about your tastes, he is selfish. He doesn’t love you, and if you continue by his side, you don’t love yourself either.

6.- In social networks, it is not noticed that they are a couple

They may not air your private life on social media. But on social media, you share what you love. If that man really loves you, you give yourself a mention.

There are many men who play with women on social media. The reverse also happens. But where it is most noticeable when in the chat it leaves you in seen.

7.- He is very fickle with his displays of affection

When a man truly loves you, he is always loving. But if he is playing with your feelings, he is only affectionate when he needs you. But there are also cold men, so you have to see the context.

When a man plays with you he does these things: He does not respect you, sometimes he is cute and sometimes not, he gets angry when you do not do what you want, etc. It can even be rude.

8.- He never talks about his plans with you for the future

A loving couple is not necessarily going to stay together for life. Things can change at any moment. But even so, one always has the illusion of a future together.

On the other hand, when he just wants to hang out with you, he doesn’t even talk about a future with you by mistake. He does not get involved and always changes the conversation when you ask him, what do we do the next day of love?

9.- He does not know anything about you and appears when he wants

When a man plays with you all that interests him is what he has to say, do or enjoy. They are not interested in your personal, work, or family life. The less you talk about yourself, the better for him.

The worst thing is that he is not interested in your feelings if you have a good day or not. Show up when you want and say hello as if you see each other all the time. His excuse is that he is always busy.

10.- You are always the culprit and He talks to you about others

He talks to you about other women as if you were his best friend. And if you tell him why he looks at other women, he will make you feel guilty. When a man plays with you he does these things over and over again.

Even when he has a problem, he looks for arguments to make you feel guilty. He doesn’t mind manipulating you. You don’t have to expect anything from such a man, decide to expect everything from yourself.

11.- He never treats you with affection, or in private

When a man plays with your feelings, all he is interested in is getting the most out of you. It doesn’t occur to him to be affectionate with you, he probably doesn’t even know how to be affectionate.

Their conversations are never deep, everything is superficial. In other words, he does not get involved in anything that is common to both of them. If you need comfort or if you are stressed, you don’t even know it. He doesn’t pay attention to you.

When a man plays with you, his motivations do not matter. If it is on purpose or if it is involuntary. What matters is your attitude. Your attitude is responsible for your suffering and everything that happens to you with it.