12 real signs that it’s true love in your relationship

Love! Who doesn’t sigh when they get it? There are several signs that can tell you if love is knocking on your door.

Love, at first sight, is not true love

When you start dating someone you begin to experience beautiful sensations in which you do not want to be separated from that person, you think that they are the perfect person, that they are the love of your life.

You absolutely love everything about him/her and you swear that he/she is the right person, the ideal person, I am sorry to break your illusions but this is not true love, what you are experiencing in that first phase of the relationship is one of the most important stages. pretty.

It is the stage of infatuation, true love takes its time and must go through many obstacles that will make it strong and lasting.

If the above is not love, then what is true love? Ironically, love is a feeling that cannot be explained in words, true love is an accumulation of feelings and affection that you have towards a person but that escapes all logic and reason.

If we analyze it coldly when we fall in love we begin to act in a completely crazy way, we feel insecure about losing that person, suddenly we do not have eyes to look at anyone else, we want their happiness even more than our own.

We feel jealous of that person, even when we are clear that that person is not our property, that we were not born together but we did not conceive the idea of ​​separating, love makes us do crazy things that in our right mind we would never do.

I am not saying that love is a kind of mental illness, it is precisely those crazy things that we do for love that make it a magical and unique feeling.

When is true love experienced?

True love takes time to flourish, each of us loves at our own pace and it would be inaccurate if we establish exact timing for each stage of the relationship.

However, what you experience around the first year of a relationship is nothing more than falling in love and the combination of physical attraction, together with the above sensations, creating in our body and mind a bomb of emotions that we commonly confuse with true love.

True love is a feeling that you cannot fake and that is easy to detect when someone does not feel it for us. If your partner fails to pass the compatibility test during the infatuation stage, it is quite difficult for both of you to experience true love.

Authentic love is not a reciprocal or measurable feeling, you can feel true love for your partner, for your parents, for your children and this does not necessarily get it back in the same dimension.

Signs of true love

True love can be a difficult concept to define but the signs that indicate its existence can be seen with great ease in a perfect love relationship.

Use these 12 signs to find out if what you feel is real love.

1.  Give and receive love

You put everything on your part in the relationship, put your heart if necessary, the determining factor at this point is that absolutely all your actions are without the hope of receiving something in return, you simply give for the pleasure of doing it.

2.  Their happiness is yours too

It doesn’t matter if you’ve had a bad day, if you’re going through a difficult situation, seeing that special someone laugh out loud just makes your day.

True love is characterized by that purity of feelings, when it comes to that person, put aside any kind of selfishness and jealousy aside, you celebrate their successes as if they were yours, there are even times when their joys tend to bring you greater happiness. Than their own.

3.  Discomfort and pain

In a relationship, it cannot be all honey on flakes, when the other person’s defects begin to become evident and yours come to light it is logical that fights or disagreements begin, however you cannot be too upset with that. person.

It is normal for you to feel angry and frustrated at certain times but you quickly begin to look at the problem from another perspective and seek reconciliation with that person, because something inside you does not allow you to be distanced from that person for a long time.

You begin to be more tolerant, suddenly the situations that you did not tolerate with your previous partner begin to seem less serious with this person, you begin to be more consenting and you contribute as much as possible so that your relationship has a few roses as possible.

4.  Sacrifices

You do not mind sacrificing your savings from that long-awaited trip if your partner is going through a difficult financial situation, you are able to donate all of your “piglet” if necessary.

There is not even a need for that person to ask you for help, you are willing to sacrifice any kind of thing for that special person.

All human beings have within us the spirit of solidarity and desire for help, however, we also have priorities, which is why we are not always capable of sacrificing ourselves for any unknown person.

When you sacrifice for your partner, it does not mean that you have put your priorities aside, it means that that person is your # 1 priority, the best sign of true love cannot exist.

5.  Effort

When you have a relationship in front of you that really interests you, you put all your effort into making it work. Remember all those girls who asked you to stop drinking every weekend and you never paid attention to them.

Or those guys who begged for a bit of your time and you always changed appointments with him to go to parties with your friends, in this case, everything is different, there is no need for that person to ask you, you make the change for own conviction.

You strive to be a better person, a better version of yourself for that special love.

6. You  avoid hurting

You could never forgive yourself for hurting your loved one physically or emotionally, you are willing to give in to most of his whims as long as he is a happy person.

You are capable of eating that unappetizing-looking food or wearing that dress that your mother probably chose and gave you on your birthday, as long as you don’t make that person feel bad.

7.  You always keep your promises

You know that when you promise something to your partner, they automatically put their hopes in you, and for nothing in the world are you willing to fail them, because the least you want is to lose their trust.

You do not mind failing other people if it is necessary to be able to fulfill your promise with her/him, this does not make you a bad person, it is only a sign that you are clear about your priorities, and failing him/her would be as serious as failing yourself. yourself.

8.  Suffering 

Life is not rosy, love can sometimes be painted black and make us go through moments of suffering and pain, you are willing to overcome these times and fight for your relationship to go forward.

9.  Jealousy

Before that person, you could be the safest boy in the world, but now you are capable of being jealous of his friend.

That person who even though you know that there is no comparison between the two, there is a set of feelings and thoughts within you that do not leave you alone.

There are different types of jealousy, feeling a little jealous is fine in a relationship, with which you should be careful is with those sick jealousy that forces you to spy or try to control your partner, that more than love is insecurity in itself.

10.  You are always there

Regardless of all the crazy ideas that go through your partner’s mind, you are always there to support them, in most cases, it is not even necessary for them to ask for your help, because they know that you are their # partner.

11. You  keep an open mind

Regardless of all the ideas that your parents instilled in you about that “perfect match”, you know that no one will ever fit that idealized profile, and you are willing to accept your partner as he is and you strive for your family to accept and see him with liking.

12.  “We”

You leave the “me” behind when it is good to love you start to think about a future together, you dream of being able to one day start a family with that person, you make plans for all the countries they will know before they grow old.

You plan how many children they will have and sometimes you are even surprised when you think of their names, you include them in all your plans, suddenly you no longer see yourself alone, you see them by their side for the rest of your life.

True love is something difficult to understand, it may be that the people around you do not understand why you behave in such a special way, in the end, it does not matter whether others understand it or not, the only really important thing is that you are sure that it’s true love.

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