5 signs that he will not deceive you

It is the fear of every woman (well, of any human being, or almost!) That our half is unfaithful to us. He is more and more distant, he no longer pays attention to you, you think he no longer loves you, it is perhaps only your imagination that is playing tricks on you. Here are the 5 signs that prove you won’t be cheated.

5 signs that he will not deceive you

He always talks about you

He only talks about you :), and even in front of his colleagues. “She is beautiful”, “I miss her”, “She does this and that…. ” You occupy his thoughts, whether he is on the other side of the world, or with big clients, he thinks of you. He sends you messages at all times, whenever he has free time.

His work takes all his time

He is constantly at work, his schedule is very full, between making an appointment, meeting and telephone call in the evening when he comes back he only talks to you about his work! Do not be worried, it’s a pretty good sign even if it’s a bit annoying (Unless it is a subterfuge and he makes his adulterers pass for professional meetings. )

He never cheated on his exes

You have the perfect man, he is not the type to deceive, and even when he was with his exes. Let him talk to you about his exes, does that annoy you <3? and yet it is also a proof that he will never deceive you, it is in his nature to be faithful, he cares too much for you

He’s the type who wants to make love to you all the time

He talks to you about it all the time and doesn’t miss an opportunity. Your other half would like to make love to you every day, and even several times a day. You are a little his muse. And if your s**x life is fulfilled, and always full of surprises one thing is certain, it will not deceive you.

He tells you he loves you

He tells you that he loves you but above all he thinks so! These are not just empty words! You are the most important person in their eyes. He always has the little attention that goes well  For example, he cooks for you in the evening when he has just had a very busy day. He even undertakes many projects with you, whether it be taking a vacation, or buying a house. There is no question for him to do this alone, he wants to do it but with you