7 things, what we say with our eyes when we are in love

1.- Many times, the reciprocal look is a sign of love

For many, the face shows the signs of the soul, especially with the eyes. For this reason, what we say with our eyes has a very strong emotional meaning. By the eyes we reveal if we are tired, sad, happy, in love or desperate.

The eyes give expression to our face and through them we transmit what we are internally. Perhaps that is why they say that love is a secret that the eyes cannot keep. The light that the gaze of a man in love transmits is unmistakable, it cannot be disguised.

2.- The eyes are the most important part of non-verbal language

The verbal language of the eyes is unmistakable. We can hide our gestures, keep quiet and not say what we feel. We can pretend, but as soon as we look at who we love, we will reveal our feelings.

What we can express with our eyes is infinite. Many people develop such an ability to express themselves with their eyes that they have enormous persuasive power. Even to see the sincerity of a person we make sure to take a good look at their eyes.

3.- When a man looks and his pupil is dilated, it means a lot of interest

Men and women, what we say with our eyes can be seen in the size of our pupils. If something interests us, our pupils dilate because we pay more attention, we make an effort to look better.

Also, a person with the largest pupil looks more attractive. That is, when we become interested in another person we also become more interesting. Looking with great interest makes us more seductive.

4.- What we say with our eyes can be very misleading

In general, the meaning of the looks of a man towards a woman are interest, love, affection and desire. But not always, because people who know the meaning of eye language can pretend.

It is true that liars do not look into the eyes, but this happens only with the inexperienced. People who handle lying well can lie even with their eyes.

People who seek profit through lies put a lot of energy in their gaze. The goal is to convince, with your body language, that something is not true.

5.- A look can have so much power as to excite

In some cases, what we say with our eyes can be very exciting for the other person. You may want that reaction, but it all depends on the interpretation of the person being looked at.

Each one interprets a look according to the context of the moment that is lived. If a stranger looks at us insistently and for a long time we can feel threatened, afraid or anguished.

But what if we interpret a look as an invitation to maintain intimate relationships? If it is your moment you can get excited and if it is not, you may get angry, but the excitement will be there.

6.- When a man looks at you a lot, he may be declaring his love to you

Love begins with a simple look. For example, love at first sight is more frequent than we imagine. It is much simpler to say “I love you” with your eyes than with words.

We can train our way of looking, so that there are no doubts in what we say with our eyes.

– If you look at someone for more than a second and that person maintains their gaze, they may become interested in you
– When you remove your gaze and look again, that person will assume that you are interested
– If they maintain eye contact and smile, you can initiate an approach with confidence
– If he looks away and does not look at you again, it means that your interest does not correspond

7.- A smile can be deceiving, but the eyes reveal whether it is honest or false

It is easy to smile to pretend happiness. With a smile you can communicate tranquility, happiness, security and make you feel these emotions. But there are fake smiles. Many people want to hide their true emotions with a smile.

But no one can give what they don’t have. A fake smile cannot be maintained for long. Also, when a person is genuinely happy, his eyes become wide and crow’s feet form to the extreme.

The problem with falling in love with a person who pretends to be happy is dependency. They will not take responsibility for their happiness, they will force you to behave in a certain way to make them happy.