8 signs when a couple doesn’t work out and it’s time to make a decision

The union as a couple cannot be forced, each one has their differences and experiences that move them away or bring them closer. So when a couple does not work, it may be time to think about breaking the relationship. Well, when a couple breaks up, it has to be for the good of both.

Why doesn’t a couple work? One reason may be because passion is chilling or one of them falls in love with someone else. Actually there are many other reasons, each case is unique. An intense relationship does not last long, but when there is love, other ties arise.

1.- Monotony in the couple appears when one least expects it

A dating relationship as it should be to last? Intense, unpredictable and constantly discovering his own tastes. Otherwise the monotony gains ground, without realizing it and boredom begins.

Many people complain, my life as a couple does not work. But it all starts with themselves, in their most intimate individuality. Because the couple is a balanced unit only to the extent that each of them is.

Do you get bored when you spend time with your partner? Do you feel like your relationship has become monotonous? Can’t you think of anything funny when you’re alone?

– Don’t plan anything, do new unforeseen things. Look around you and follow your curiosity
– Just let yourself be carried away by your love, improvise a romantic getaway, no excuses
– Practice new activities, each one for your own pleasure
– Be creative with your intimate relationships, get out of what is normal
– Lo The most important thing is to take charge of your own happiness, enjoy without waiting or depending
– At every moment take care of the details and how you treat yourself
– Improve your communication with yourself and with your partner

2.- When a partner does not work, your partner says that you are always to blame


One of the powerful reasons why a partner doesn’t work out is a lack of communication. Each one of them has indecipherable assumptions about what is happening and does not communicate it. In this way each creates a parallel life that sabotages their love.

The problems start with simple misunderstandings that when they keep quiet turn into a virus that runs the relationship. For example, many couples end up on social networks, due to sheer misunderstandings.

When you want to talk about something important with your partner that is in person, because body language counts more than 70%. When the couple breaks up, it is because they have ignored too much what their body language says.

3.- When the couple does not work there is no time to be together

What to do when a couple does not work? A relationship is kept alive and thrives when quality time and emotions are shared. Being together allows you to communicate better through body language.

Wishing each other a good day every morning, sneaking out to eat together at noon, looking into each other’s eyes and touching each other changes everything. The couple that doesn’t work out needs to give themselves more time, more intimacy, and talk about more positive things.

My relationship is not working and I don’t know what to do. So that you have more time for your partner, review your priorities and decide. If you don’t feel like trying to increase your dose of love, work on your self-love.

4.- When a couple no longer works, you no longer see improvement in the relationship


When a couple ends and returns it is because they remember that they were happy, they made mistakes and there is still love. Because “they were happy and ate partridges” is only for stories.

When a couple does not work, both of them are doing nothing to improve their individualities. Because when a person improves, their relationship with people also improves.

Many times it happens that when a couple breaks up and returns, they expect something magical from the other person. They always wait for the other to make that change that they think they need to make everything better.

How to know if a couple does not work anymore? When neither of you are able to overcome setbacks. Both are left waiting for everything to solve itself.

5.- My partner does not work in bed: It may be that he is thinking of another person


Thinking of another person when you are with your partner is when a partner does not work. Experts say that if you fall in love with another, forgive being in a relationship, stay with the second. It is something that could never end.

A person who continually seeks alternatives for a loving partner, does not know what he wants. Maybe you don’t love yourself enough. Why does a couple break up and come back? Perhaps the two of you need to know each other more, love themselves more so that they have greater security.

6.- When your partner does not work it may be because he has serious doubts

My relationship is not working, what do I do to improve it? Stop idealizing your partner and accept him as he is. Most people idealize their partner, they fall in love with that idea, they have their expectations.

Some women say, I take care of that. But wanting to change something about your partner is a way of not accepting it. Sure it can change, but it will have to be your decision.

When a couple ends badly it is because there were many insecurities. Getting your hopes up about what it will be and then checking that it’s not like that is a problem for those who get your hopes up. Your partner doesn’t have to meet your expectations.

7.- If a couple does not work in bed, it is because their priorities have changed

A couple starts out with passion and then they get to know each other better and often ignore what they don’t like. People change but expectations don’t. That is why when a couple does not work it is because of the appearance of new interests.

Over time and due to the lack of communication, each discovers new interests that differ from their partner. Why does a couple end if they love each other? The new priorities distance them, they no longer share the same tastes and values.

When a couple ends their relationship the most dominant factor is the lack of communication. It is normal for each one to discover new interests, but if they communicated more and better, love would improve.

8.- Because a couple breaks up: Desire has vanished

Passion, loving and intimate desire for each other means emotional health in the couple. Therefore, when a couple does not work, communication has been broken and the desire has disappeared.

There is no maximum or minimum where s**x is enough. But emotional health depends on how many emotions live together. Not everything has to be s**x, but how much they enjoy life together.

They no longer want to go out with each other, they no longer come up with anything attractive. Suddenly one of the two does not feel satisfied in some area of ​​the relationship. At this point, communication is the most important thing, but perhaps they have not been careful to improve the way they communicate.

If in your routine you no longer feel the spark of making love to your partner, you should ask yourself why. Don’t blame, just take care of what you can change in yourself.