Have fun as a couple: 3 activities to try together


Love is such a beautiful thing. You only have to watch romantic comedies and read rose water books to understand that the supreme happiness on Earth is to meet your soul mate and fall in love.

So yes, love is something beautiful. But let’s not forget that there are also negative sides. Being in a relationship is also full of inconveniences.


Love is having a stomach ache when your sweetheart comes home late at night because you’re afraid he’s been in a car accident.

The downsides of being in love are being stressed out when your sweetheart has a big party because your souls are connected and you feel the same way him.

Being in love means you don’t hesitate to yell at him when he does something stupid and dangerous, because the very thought of living your life without him by your side makes you cry.

Funny, athletic, educational no matter what kind of activities you choose to do as a couple, the most important thing is that you both have fun and get closer to your partner. Here are some activities to do as a couple to inspire you and have fun.


Organizing a dinner party for your friends is killing two birds with one stone. You spend time together to organize everything and it also allows your respective friends to sympathize.
The interest of this dinner is to prepare it together, for two. A bit of a rehearsal of a wedding of sorts, which is a good experience for the future or will bring back some good memories if you are already husband and wife.
You start by planning and inviting your friends. Then decide on the menu, do the shopping, cook and finally put away and wash the dishes.
You can of course share the tasks, but the interest is all the same in spending time together, working on a common goal.

Here are a few tips for organizing this dinner .

  • Choose a simple menu for the first time.
  • Make a compilation of ambient music and put them in the background.
  • Discuss and integrate everyone. Make introductions so no one is left alone.
  • Plan to make cocktails with and without alcohol.
  • Have fun and have a great time together.


Going on a trip as a couple is one of the best ways to really discover or rediscover your partner. You will spend your entire trip together, without having to worry about work or the daily household chores that steal your moments of complicity.
Organizing a trip is also a real teamwork, patience and compromise. Three essential qualities for a happy married life.
You will have to make a budget, choose a destination, make reservations for transport and hotel, optimize your luggage, etc …
If you have a limited budget, it is still possible to go hiking for the day for example .

Here are some ideas of destinations for your trip as a couple

  • Fall in love with the English London lifestyle.
  • Sunbathe on a Mediterranean beach.
  • Discover Asian culture and the paradisiacal landscapes of Thailand.
  • Fill up on fresh air with a hike in the Alps.
  • Experience the change of scenery of the forests and lakes of Lapland in Sweden.


A little friendly competition on a sports field is very good for your couple. Sweating together, helping each other out and trying to dominate him / her will definitely bring you closer. In addition your body will produce endorphin which will give you tone and make you happy and you will surely be able to burn a few calories after the dinner you organized a little earlier!
Many men and women find that a body that comes from exercising is attractive.
If you do not know what sports to do as a couple, here are some that lend themselves well:

  • Play tennis, singles or doubles with a couple of friends.
  • Practice running. Between 3 and 5 km is a good distance for beginners.
  • Play golf and do some holes.
  • Play badminton or squash.
  • Gather a few friends and try some volleyball or beach volleyball.