How do I know if a man has feelings for me?

You have been in a relationship with your Jules for a few months already but nothing to do, they do not come … what am I talking about? Magic words, of course! You do not dare to reveal yourself because you do not know if your man has feelings for you.

And yet, you are in love, and you wish you could open up! But what you don’t know is that even if he doesn’t tell you the long-awaited “I love you”, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have feelings for you.

There are signs, completely counter-intuitive to our female eyes and which, however, prove that he cares for you and puts you on a pedestal. And it is important to know them if we want to avoid constant insecurity in the relationship.

Are men handicapped by love?

With the development of dating sites and other apps like Tinder, it has become so easy to meet new people almost without moving from a home that we all seem to have become interchangeable…

As a direct consequence, we seek less and less engagement, as evidenced by this now infamous, that we come out with all kinds of sauces, “Next”. Did your guy watch another girl on the street? Next. Does he stink after his jogging? Next. Didn’t he understand that we separated the whites and the colors in the washing machine? Next…

For trifles, all our friends tell us to move on. Too bad if their own couple flounders, without them doing anything or a little explanation can make things better. And too bad if the behavior of the gentleman is nothing other than a perfectly normal and classic masculine behavior…

And among these behaviors, one of them particularly annoys us, women: his inability to express his feelings. As the relationship progresses and we are dying to shout at him “Fly Me to the moon”, Monsieur maintains his distance and refuses to admit to us what he feels for us.

Men and women show their love differently

But does that mean as long as he doesn’t feel anything? Far from there! And it is also a source of major misunderstanding between men and women. Our criteria for showing our feelings are extremely different.

Women expect in particular:

  • Affection, hugs;
  • Words of love and reassurance about the future of the relationship;
  • Moral and physical support.

Men, as we will see, express their feelings just as much but… by actions! And most of us are unable to decipher these proofs of love! This can also have disastrous consequences on a relationship, causing strong insecurity which can lead to a breakdown.

So let’s decipher these signs that prove he cares about you.

The signs that he has feelings for you

Sign n ° 1: It protects you

The protective instinct of men towards the woman they love is very strong. If he loves you, you can be sure that he will react with you as with no one else. You will even see it at times “show your fangs”, for example, if someone jostles you in a crowd.

It “secures the perimeter” when crossing the street with you before letting you pass? So it seems that his caveman instincts are taking over, while he struggles to preserve his “female” in a hostile environment!

Does he accompany you back at night? Worried because you’re alone outside at night? Ask you to send him an SMS to confirm that you have arrived? It does not take your security lightly and above all, it is anything but indifferent. If he imagines the worst, it is also because you are infinitely precious to him …

Sign n ° 2: he wants to meet your needs

9:30 p.m. Your Jules has still not returned … More hours! Another damn job that takes its time and prevents you from taking advantage of it! Grrrr… But do you know that beyond his desire to succeed in his career, he does that for you? To provide for all your needs.

Again, if we go back to the age of the caves, men went hunting the mammoth to feed the tribe.

A few hundred thousand years later, and despite a few decades of feminism (too), Monsieur is still wired to make sure to take care of your subsistence. He will do his best to refine his career, earn more money and get the promotion that will allow him to offer you a life of princess.

This is also why you MUST LEAVE IT PAYING AT THE RESTO !! Yes, it is very hard, it is a thousand miles from our education and our desires for gender equality but … He will love you only more! Be careful, these words are nuanced, some men want to share the expenses, sometimes even by “feminism”. But don’t encourage them. You are the queen.

Sign n ° 3: he is gallant

You are the queen. Here, the word is launched. If you take a close look at the signs I have already mentioned, you will see that all of his actions put you on a pedestal. If you have succeeded in conquering his heart, he will crown you by covering you with attentions. Keep in mind that this is the equivalent for us of sweet words.

He runs before you to open the door for you? Is he lending you his umbrella when it’s raining downpours? Or does he put his jacket around your shoulders on a cool night?

At the very beginning of a relationship, these small gestures are a sign that he is taking the big game to conquer you. At a slightly more advanced stage, when he has nothing more to prove, it means that he definitely cares about you.

Note also the variations of his little attentions over time: everything he does in this direction for you today, he may not have done yesterday and this is a sign all the more obvious as feelings have appeared.

Sign n ° 4: He gives you (useful) gifts

Among the signs mentioned in this article, this is probably best understood by the fairer s**x! Although it depends on the type of gift…

When a man has a habit of bringing you the latest high-tech device or … more unusual devices such as a yogurt maker or a sorbet machine, it is a sign that he cares about you and wants to please you by making your life easier.

It even seems that certain male specimens try their hand at romantic gifts such as flowers, jewelry, perfumes, etc. But do not be formalized if yours does not do it outside of Valentine’s Day: flowers, jewelry, and perfumes are not “useful” gifts…

Sign n ° 5: he cooks you or takes you to restaurants he likes

I could not have included this sign, because it does not concern all men. But it exists. Some men show their love for you by … food, so recognize this sign at the risk of confronting you with a mutual misunderstanding!

When we say that we make small dishes “with love”, it is not an empty word! Similarly, if your Jules goes with you around the restaurants of the city, remember to thank him and emphasize the quality of the food, because he does it to please you and show you that he cares about you.

Sign n ° 6: He does your services

Your computer is out of order? He will rush to run to repair it (or make the breakdown worse, depending on…). A shelf to ask? Take out the toolbox, he’s going to want to do something about it at all costs.

It’s also fun to see how a man, who comes to your house for the first time, will go around the owner noting everything that needs to be repaired. Above all, let him do it, again, you will be surprised to see how much you do these little services will increase his feelings for you…

Attention ladies, taking out the trash or vacuuming is not part of the tasks that a man will accomplish to help you. Not heroic enough. So if he doesn’t, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.

And there again, know how to thank the hero as it should be, he needs to know that you appreciate his gesture and that … he was useful!

Sign # 7: he is trying to find solutions to your problems

This is our black sheep. 8:30 p.m., it’s been 3 hours that you have an argument on your heart with your colleague Christine. It undermines you, you need to talk about it to relieve yourself of this weight.

Your Jules is there, you’re in the middle of dinner, you naturally decide to talk to him about it.

And there, while you are dealing with the situation, it cuts you off and begins to describe to you by the menu what you are going to have to say to Christine.

Doesn’t that remind you of anything? This frustration that you feel at that moment when all you need is an attentive ear? Well, know that men are wired like this. They do not speak to get better but to find solutions to their problems.

This is why, very naturally, he thinks that you too are what you want. And to best meet your expectations, he will put all his logic and intelligence into action to find the best solution to your “problem”. Do not hold up, even if it is not what you expect. This is further proof that he cares about you.

Sign n ° 8: he introduces you to his family and friends

Imagine: when a man introduces you to his social circle, then it means he has no escape. If he leaves you after that, you will have to explain to Mom, who had started to become attached to you, that it’s over. He will also have to justify himself in front of all his friends, explain why you were (a lot) wrong and how he was (a little) wrong…

So if he invites you into his inner circle, believe it is because he intends to go a little way with you.

Sign n ° 9: he wants to please you

Tuesday evening, there is football on one side and your favorite series on the other on TV. If your man leaves the field open to you … then you can deduce without taking risks that he wants to please you.

His attitude in bed is also particularly representative of the attachment he feels towards you. If he sulks his pleasure to make sure you take him to the seventh heaven, you can rightly assume that he cares about you … If he looks intensely in the eyes, without being able to look away during the act, it may well be that he has feelings for you…

Stop focusing on words …

You are therefore beginning to understand that perhaps, even if Monsieur refuses to open up and admit the feelings he has for you, that does not necessarily mean that he does not.

Men have a very different way of showing their feelings than women. Where we look for signs of affection and tenderness, they favor actions. And this fundamental difference often generates deep misunderstandings! Which can lead to breakdown when a woman does not feel loved…

He never told you “I love you” but did you recognize him in the signs that I listed? So do not doubt, he cares about you! Men find it difficult to say the words but can prove very well by actions.

Take all these little attention from your Jules, let him spoil you, pamper you and treat you like a queen. In his eyes, this will strengthen your femininity and in yours, it will strengthen his manhood. All good. And it is at that moment, perhaps, that he will be confident enough to tell you “I love you”?

So what does he do to show you that he loves you? Did you recognize in the article some of his attitudes, which you will no longer see in the same way?