How do I know if he still loves me? How do I know if she still loves me? Who has never asked these questions at least once in their life? These kinds of questions can arise when one of the two has betrayed the other, hurt them, or simply because the couple is going through a difficult time or just because the romantic relationship is bogged down in routine. But if I’m in such a situation, how do I know if he still has feelings for me? how can I be reassured and know if she still loves me?



Because one person is not the other, each shows their feelings in their own way. There are the demonstratives, who hug all day long, not knowing how to shout their love to the whole world and always need to show that they are really happy. Others, more discreet, are satisfied with a little kiss, a little furtive “I love you” to blow into the hollow of the ear.




Do I think one of the two ways to show your feelings is better than the other? I do not believe..

Because I keep telling her “I love you” over and over again, will she/he really feel more loved? I don’t think so either.

Because she tells me ‘she loves me’ over and over, does she really love me as much as she claims? Nothing is less sure…

On the other hand, I believe more in actions than in words. Because everyone has received a different education and because some have modesty and prefer to have small attentions or a simple gesture which signifies how much the other is important in their eyes.

Because saying “I love you” too often diminishes its strength and credibility. For my part, I prefer to place an “I love you” which will have its effect, which will have real strength, rather than telling it too often, and whose impact will gradually diminish …




Some people complain about having a partner who never shows his feelings and for whom saying “I love you” is a real miracle…

Maybe your relationship is going through a difficult time right now, and you doubt, that you think that the feelings are not there anymore, you are not sure anymore about your spouse …

STOP! a “I love you” is always pleasurable, but take a good look at this man or woman who is your everyday partner and don’t think only of you …

Ok, the “I love you” are gradually disappearing, or maybe they never were there….

To reassure yourself, analyzing your behavior is essential.

Isn’t he there when you need him? Doesn’t she stand up for you when her family criticizes you? Didn’t she spontaneously cook your favorite dish lately? Doesn’t he come to see you at noon, instead of going with his friends to hang out in town?

All in all, in love, we are sometimes selfish and we too often expect the other to love us, and to show it to us as we would like him to do …

It is important, not to think only of yourself, to be able to realize what the other is doing for us. His little attentions towards us, which we don’t pay attention to …

We are made to believe that love must be perfect, always. Today, we take the best, and at the slightest little problem in the couple, we use it as an excuse to break up sometimes.

So, before thinking that the other does not love you anymore, and putting pressure on him, to be asking for “I love you” all the time, question yourself and be objective.

For my part, I don’t need to have lots of kisses and hugs all day long to know that she still loves me. I have a problem? a phone call, and I know I can count on her… I told her about a CD that I liked, I wouldn’t be surprised to receive it kindly as a gift afterwards. She knows that some days are difficult and tiring, they spare me some household constraints that I usually take care of.

You now understand why, the real value of feelings is not judged only on words.

Being observant and objective is important. Knowing that he/she still loves you is therefore more or less easy to judge if we want to give ourselves the means.