How to make a woman laugh to please her naturally?

Seduction is not easy, even if one has the impression of having most of the assets to attract women. The incomprehensible failures testify to this difficulty of men in apprehending the fairer s**x. However, we sometimes find that individuals who are deemed unattractive are all the rage. Their secret: humor. How to make a woman laugh? Back on one of the foolproof techniques to please for sure.

Topics of interest

To attract the attention of women, you have to start by knowing the subjects that interest them.

In general, most of them attach great importance to gossip. Also, in order not to be short of ideas, it is essential to document yourself regularly on the lives of stars in order to parody them.

Of course, you shouldn’t mince words to make fun of them. To say frankly what one thinks very much pleases the fairer s**x.

Fashion issues are also interesting topics to discuss. Criticizing their leggings, their destroyed jeans, their pointed toe pumps with a touch of humor will only increase your notoriety.
Depending on the events, you can approach politics. However, one should always aim to conform to one’s areas of interest. Also, on the political side, forget all those related to the management of the country. Instead, talk about programs and their funny effects on the future.
Films are also the great passions of the descendants of Eve. Telling funny footage can sometimes help you when they haven’t seen the story yet. However, to hit hard, it is best to parody his favorite series. So, as boring as they may be, you should not miss any of the episodes.

How to make a woman laugh by taking her rivals?

Contrary to what men think, female solidarity is not so strong. Indeed, by spending a lot of time with them, we immediately notice that rivalry occupies a very important place in the circle.

How to make a woman laugh? Play with this opposition. As a result, you can earn a few points from his group of friends.

Of course, you should not attack anyone. You must know exactly your target to avoid offending. Sense of observation is therefore required before venturing into this mined land.

Despite the sterility of the conversation, by making fun of the hairstyle, the clothing choices, the character and the look of the one who seems to be a threat reassure her on her values, gives her a taste for life and makes her laugh. .
As soon as the opportunity arises, do not deprive yourself of it. Boost your chances of occupying a privileged place in his heart.

Make fun of yourself to build trust

How to make a woman laugh without always having to point the finger at others? Just talk about yourself.

By not taking yourself seriously, you are sure to stand out. Especially since those who always attack others become suspects in the long run and make them flee.
To make fun of yourself, you have to know how to choose the right moment. So as soon as she starts to criticize you jump at the opportunity to demonstrate how cool you are.

No need to justify yourself, you just have to accept your reproaches with a certain humor. The more you master this strategy of making a woman laugh based on your own person, the closer you get to her and quickly becomes her first-rate confidant.

All the attention on HER

When you’ve gotten into the habit of laughing at others and then at yourself, you can move on to the next step: laughing at yourself.

In this case, you have forged a very strong bond of friendship. Indeed, women always take badly the individuals who make fun of them, without this one being close.
Once they find no problem and start spoofing you, you can be sure that you have won a big bet.

To tease her, you can address all of her flaws. So, in addition to giving her the belly ball, you help her to accept herself as she is.
You can give the maximum by also betting on its qualities. A little humor about what is best brings back to being more humble and not to be fat.
To be popular and forge an exceptional person, you need to find out how to make a woman laugh.

Document yourself so as not to be left behind

Despite your ability to make people laugh, you must be careful with your culture so as not to be overwhelmed by events.
Besides, the intellectual level and interests of each woman are different. Also, if you want to make everyone laugh, it is essential to have a thorough knowledge in all sectors and to be curious.

How to make a woman laugh depending on the situation

The temperament of the woman is very variable. With a whiff of whimsical hormones, it’s no wonder to see her with a big smile and get angry within a minute. It is for this mood change that men misunderstand them.
Wondering how to make a woman laugh all the time? You have to start by adapting to the situation.

How to make an angry woman laugh?

To avoid her throwing all her bitterness on you, you have to find a way to make her laugh. This situation is delicate since if you do not know how to go about it, you risk disappointing it.

In general, comparison is the foolproof strategy. Just tell her that she looks like a cartoon stepmother when she loses her smile. Also add that even if anger makes her even s**xier, in the long run it will create wrinkles.

When she gets even angrier, you must absolutely apologize, without forgetting the little note of humor.

How to make a sad woman laugh?

You must take advantage of the sad events of his life to cheer him up by making him laugh.

In this situation, even the most stupid jokes can give him a taste for life.

However, do not forget to bet on originality by directly offering to tell him jokes with nuts to partially illuminate his beautiful face.
In this case, you will touch him sincerely and you will become the shoulders to lean on during these moments of difficulty.

How to make a cold woman laugh?

It is not so easy to get noticed by a cold woman. In general, she tends to ignore everything they are told and shows no emotion.

To make her laugh, you have to directly attack their lack of sensitivity. If she ignores you, do not hesitate to put a layer on it since the goal will be to get her out of her bubble. In the long run she will get angry and this is your opportunity to add a touch of humor to the situation.

Once the distance woman has shown you her nature, you will be pleasantly surprised by her openness and her way of seeing things. You will learn a lot about life.

How to make a joyful woman laugh?

To leave your mark in the life of a woman, you must be present in these joys as her sadness.

Just because she’s in a good mood doesn’t mean you have to slip away. On the contrary, joy is a boon to get noticed.

To make a cheerful woman laugh, you can take out your salty jokes. They will give you a boost to seduce her and go further.

Of course as soon as you see that she does not seem at ease, you must all immediately think of a humorous phrase like: I’m sorry, I didn’t think you were so stuck. In this case, there are two of us, so how do we do it? This will allow you to relax the atmosphere.

Laughter: a guarantee of a stable relationship

To ensure a harmonious life within your couple, you absolutely must understand how to make a woman laugh.

Indeed, numerous studies have shown that the more the woman laughs, the more she leaves you alone. Also, to not have it lagging behind and grumpy you must make efforts every day.

In addition, by restoring the taste of life to an individual you increase your self-esteem. Also, you will be more confident and more combative. These qualities are essential to carry out your goals both professionally and in love.

To attract and keep a woman in your grip, it is imperative to make her laugh every day. At first, you have to redouble your imagination, afterwards, you will be used to the fact that you will no longer notice the number of times you have taken your breath away.

Statistics show that women prefer funny men. So to avoid being stung by someone else you have to learn how to make a woman laugh naturally.

Build trust

Making women laugh is an escape from your problems. Nothing compares to the satisfaction of the joy she feels when you share her humor with her.

The more popular you are with the fairer s**x, the more you will develop self-confidence. So if you are in the middle of reconstruction and you need to find yourself, do not hesitate to embark on this adventure.

The more your notoriety grows, the more your circle of friends will be attached to your presence. You will no longer need to highlight yourself through the material effects, your striking personality will take you everywhere and you will be very busy.

Besides, women are very influential. You can take advantage of your place to change the flow of your life and build relationships with personalities.

According to numerous surveys of several men, those who have the ability to make women smile are always successful in their lives.


To make a woman laugh, you have to put your time, your person and all your energy into it. Therefore, you must start by knowing your areas of interest before gradually engaging in conversation about the topic you want to address.
Making a woman laugh is beneficial for her and especially for you. You will accentuate your image of gentleman and give impetus to your career as well as to your love life.