I warn you / Don’t fall in love with me

Don’t fall in love with me, because I notice everything and analyze everything. I will feel the slightest change in your voice, the stamping of your feet and the way your eyes will react when you speak to me.

Don’t fall in love with me, because I’m not ready to commit. I am not ready to be ready, because I have erected walls even higher than those of the Chinese wall, with large blocks of anguish, doubts, and fears.

Don’t fall in love with me, because I’m the greatest drama queen in the universe. You will not understand why I am so moved by watching this film by Nicholas Sparks which I already saw last week or why I am so happy at the sight of a child who smiles at me after a hard day.

Don’t fall in love with me, because I’m different. I wear skirts, while everyone else prefers “slim” or “boyfriend” jeans. I wear big comfortable sandals (Crocs style), when everyone else dreams of flip flops.

Don’t fall in love with me, because things haunt me very quickly. You will find me, in the middle of the night looking for the best camera on the market and you will be shocked to see that I am able to stay awake until dawn, comparing the lists that I find online.

Don’t fall in love with me, because I’m the least sentimental idiot you can meet. I have a specialty: I can break your heart into a million pieces, just with my tongue.

Don’t fall in love with me because I’m easily disappointed. I do not have high expectations, but I still end up being disappointed, which sometimes leads me to have more emotional deficiencies. You will watch me lose my self-esteem and fight to recover a semblance of self-confidence.

Do not fall in love with me, because I am afraid of the unknown and of uncertainties. I think too much about the future and you will not like to be with me once I start to express my deep thoughts.

Do not fall in love with me, because I am strong and independent but at the same time I am gentle and fragile. Our relationship will be a long fight and I do not know if you will be able to keep calm during this ordeal.

Don’t fall in love with me, because I don’t give up easily. Choosing to be with me is the guarantee of difficulties and headaches because I will doubt everything.

Don’t fall in love with me, because I’m not pretty. I have neither almond eyes, nor pink cheeks, nor a straight nose, nor strawberry-colored lips. I have only my broad forehead, my dull complexion, and my strange smile.

Don’t fall in love with me, because being with me is difficult. Don’t fall in love with me, because I’m intimidating. Don’t fall in love with me, because I run away when I’m angry. Don’t fall in love with me, because I’m broken. Don’t fall in love with me, because I can’t sleep if there is light.

Don’t fall in love with me, because I could go on with this list over and over.

But if you love me as I know myself and if you accept my faults, I promise to love you with all my heart.