To my next companion: let me love you

I want a best friend. I want someone to laugh with. I want someone to go on an adventure with.

I don’t want a love story like in the novels. I don’t want candlelit dinners or walks along the beach. I don’t want bouquets of roses or wine.

I want to go to baseball fields. Let’s go go karting! Let’s play golf! Let’s go by car without destination! Or stay at home and build a fort with blankets, order food and watch movies all night.

Take me on a picnic. Take me to your favorite place. Let’s drop out for the weekend and go camping. Let’s drive for hours to see our favorite group. Let’s go on a trip. Or not. Let’s be spontaneous!

Introduce me to your friends.

Let’s stay awake until 3 am and talk about our dreams and our fears. Tell me your deepest secrets. I want to know what is your favorite color. What type of food do you not support? What is the place you most want to visit? I want to know everything there is to know about you. And I want you to know me.

Be the person I want to tell everything to. The person I think of when I fall asleep and the one I dream of at night.

I want someone to argue with. Someone to debate with over what to eat at dinner or what movie to watch. I want someone who tells me when I am too bossy or completely excessive.

But I also want you to tell me how beautiful I am. I want you to spoil me. That you cook for me and that you massage my back after a long day. Kiss me on the forehead and tell me you care about me. Hold me tight in your arms.

Comfort me when I need it most.

And let me do all of these things for you. Let me be that shoulder on which you can pour yourself out. That ear to confide in. These arms that will help you get up. This hand that you will hold in yours.

I will be there for you, good days as bad. I want to laugh with you. I want to cry with you. Dry my tears and I will kiss yours so that they disappear. Let me love you because I will love you more than anything else in this world.