Top 16 tips to make your ex miss you

Regardless of whether you have broken up or that you have broken up with your boyfriend, surely you are meditating on the recent, or not-so-recent end of a relationship.

Maybe now you realize the role you played in the breakup, or maybe you left your kid for some reason or some outburst of anger that you are now regretting.

Things are not always and at all times as easy as holding the phone and steeling yourself to ask him to be with you again. In truth, it is surely one of the worst things you can do if you want your ex to come back.

When it comes to rebuilding romance, you need to make your ex-boyfriend miss you. You must figure out a way to make sure that he is dreaming of you all the time. May each song remind him of you.

And that every minute is thinking about you and wondering what you are going to be doing now. Above all, it must be the one who ends up insisting in order for them to return.

Keep reading these 15 proven tips that are going to make your ex miss how you pray. Put these strategies into action to bring it back into your arms.

1. Make a huge change

To be able to shake your ex’s heart a bit and make him miss you, you have to be the one going through a huge change. It must be something absolutely out of the ordinary, something he had never done while the two of them were together.

You can pack your things and move to a new city, or move your car for that model that you have been keeping an eye on for years.

By making radical changes, you will be sending signals to your ex that you are overcoming the breakup and resuming control of your life. This will trigger a very accurate and accurate reaction in him.

You will definitely want to become a part of these important changes as you make positive movements in your life. Who would not want to be with someone again taking steps in the right direction and fully growing as a person?

Of course, you must make sure that these important changes are things that you can face sensitively and financially. Nor is it about you doing the impossible.

But above all, always and at all times making sure that they are things that you really want and that for one reason or another you did not dare to do while you were with him.

2. Let him know that you are happy

If you keep communicating with your ex, you have more chances to make him miss you. So whether or sometimes chit to exchange messages by chat every inch days to make miss you, make sure you see how great it was your day.

After a breakdown, men are waiting for you to fall into a pit of despair with no way out, and, as heinous as it sounds, to cry for them for at least two months.

But even if you feel like the planet is closing in on you, you still have to give the impression that everything is going great with you. You have to be happy and always and at all times project the good things that happen to you and the positive changes that are happening in your life.

Since you’re not going to be acting the way a regular person would act after a breakup, they are going to feel a proud urge to reach out to you. This attitude will remind him of how entertaining, independent, and independent you can be, and that’s one thing guys love.

3. Use your friends as involuntary messengers

There are numerous reasons why your ex stops communicating with you after a breakup. Maybe he asked you to stop calling him, or maybe you blocked his number from your phone for an angry moment after a fight.

If you can’t have a one-on-one chat with your ex, there is still an alternative option so that you can secretly send him messages that will make him start to miss you.

If you have mutual friends, you can go out for a drink with certain of them and not skimp on details of how excellent your life is now. The next time they meet your ex-, they will not forget to mention by chance how good and happy they saw you.

Consider these mutual friends your unwitting messengers. Just try not to take the talk for any topic that could make you look bad in the eyes of your ex-.

4. Show disinterest

Have you ever appreciated that when you put all your interest in one person, they tend to separate? This is why diverting all your attention from your ex- is actually going to bring him closer to you. This is where meeting new friends and places really come in handy.

If you really want your ex to miss you, you need to step out of your comfort zone a bit. Logically, it is essential to maintain a strong, sensitive support network and to have close friends who have been with you over the years.

But expanding your social circle and meeting certain new people cannot hurt absolutely anyone. In addition to this, you are going to be busier with your social life and you are going to have less time to miss him.

5. Meet new people

Meeting new friends proves to your ex-boyfriend that you are open to new experiences, and makes him understand that if he doesn’t try to fix things with you soon, someone else will most likely steal your heart.

6. Go shopping

This is the oldest trick in the manual, but it has proven to work wonderfully time and time again. While you recover from your breakup and decide that what you want is to make your ex miss you, you need to go back to project the best image of yourself.

The same old clothes are not going to get your attention. You need to renew yourself to reflect the new one.

It’s as easy as acquiring a new pair of jeans that accentuate your curves, two shirts that highlight your best attributes, and certain skirts that let you show off your beautiful legs.

When your ex realizes that you not only meet new people but also look fabulous, you will be killing 2 birds with one stone. Don’t be surprised to start getting messages from him telling you that you look great.

7. Get a new style

Now that you have a new and improved version of yourself, it’s time to take your look there a bit more. We clearly vote against you shaving or doing something radical that you may later regret.

Instead, go for a new hair color that really makes you look better. Moving your hair a bit is equivalent to totally changing your wardrobe.

You are attracting attention to yourself with the act of changing your style, and we guarantee that something this way will leave your ex in awe. If you have always and at all times used exactly the same sober colors, try to dress things up a bit with a good color gradient or any different style.

Your ex may recognize you at the beginning and end up thinking “What a beautiful chick”! before realizing that you are.

8. Block him from social networks

Social media gives us the ability to snoop a bit into the lives of our friends, colleagues, and even complete strangers.

With every day a little more and more people obsessively documenting their lives on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, you can learn more about people than you really wish.

If you still have your ex on social media, you could be inadvertently spoiling any chance that your ex will miss you after breaking up with you. So if you really want your ex to miss you, take away their instant access to your networks.

This means that you must delete it or block it from your social networks. Currently, deleting someone from our networks is the equivalent of slapping them.

But it’s fully accurate if you want to make him miss you enough to bring up a real picture for reconciliation.

9. Make up your mind to make that special trip

Do you remember how great your social life is getting after breaking up with your ex-boyfriend? Well, since it gets better when your friends take you on a girls-only cruise on a tropical island or survival camp.

It is the ideal occasion for you to distance yourself a bit, tan yourself thoroughly and drink each and every one of the daisies that you want.

And since your ex no longer has the privilege of pursuing your life on social media, you need to find a way to let him know how much fun you have without him. This is where postcards come into the picture.

To make your ex truly miss you, spend the vacation of a lifetime in an exotic place, and don’t forget to send them a postcard.

It’s the best way to prove to him that you haven’t stopped since the moment you finished with him, and don’t be surprised if he calls you as soon as you return to go into more details of your fabulous adventure.

10. Reject their invitations

As soon as your ex begins to miss you, he will begin to try in one way or another, at first tenuously and with whatever pretext, to get away out with you. But if you really want him back, you must reject his invitations, at least in the beginning.

Simply let him know that you are not yet ready for a face-to-face meeting, but that you will contact him when you feel that it is the right moment.

You’re going to put him on hold, waiting for you to finally call him and admit his offer. This is going to make him miss you even more as he waits impatiently for the day when they can finally see each other again.

It depends on you how long you can maintain the distance, but usually, a month or 2 are enough to make it gone and be able to stoke the quarrel that existed between the 2.

11. Do not use singular data as a pretext

After a breakup, always and in all circumstances there is a moment in which you need to make a rather difficult resolution regarding making or not contacting your ex-.

This occasion is the day of their anniversary or Christmas, dates in which we traditionally call those who matter to us. Will you send them an anniversary message? Are you really going to send him that “Merry Christmas” message? The answer is no.

Whatever you do, don’t let your ex know that you remember his anniversary or that you think about him at Christmas. If you really want your ex to come back, you must hit him where it hurts the most.

By refusing to prove that you remember the essential facts, even if you remember them perfectly, you send a crystal clear message that you are over it, and instinctively, he will want to run back into your arms.

She is definitely going to miss all the attention she got at some point from you.

12. Use social networks to your advantage

If deleting and blocking your ex from your social networks seems too harsh, you can still use your online profile to make them miss you.

Do you remember what we said about social media giving us the opportunity to snoop a bit?

Well, when it comes to making your ex miss you, and successfully bringing him back into your life, you need your profiles to be nuclear bombs. Document everything from the mundane to the quirky.

Thus, every time you open your Fb, the first thing you will see is a photograph of you taking a frappe with some friends. Or that photograph with twenty Instagram filters that makes you look out of this planet.

The key is to make him understand that your life is interesting and full of exciting activities that keep you busy and happy.

If you dedicate yourself to publishing sad songs and broken hearts, you will not send a message that makes him miss you, but rather feel some compassion for you, and we do not want that, right?

13. Make him think you’re dating someone

For this step, we are going to need to cheat a bit. When done incorrectly, this trick can ruin any chance of reconciliation with your ex-boyfriend, so do it carefully.

If you want your ex to really miss you, one of the easiest ways is to show up with a new date on your arm.

The new boy shouldn’t even be really handsome, and, in truth, you shouldn’t even like him. Their job is to make your ex insanely suspicious. Don’t stick your tongue down your poor victim’s throat or mess with him in front of your ex.

It is enough that you look happy and also interested in another person. And please keep things platonic and if possible, have a friend who is aware of the plan assist you so that absolutely no one should get hurt.

14. Get in shape

You already have a renovated wardrobe, a new haircut, and your entire look is on top. Now, all you need is to get your body in shape.

After being in a long relationship with your ex-, it is really possible that you have piled on two kilograms of more than it would be a great idea to get rid of. Reactivate your membership in the gym, put on your favorite tennis shoes, and load the best training playlist on your cell phone.

Get back into a healthy routine, and that is going to make you look and feel amazing. This is one of the most effective changes to return to positively attract the attention of a person we want to win back.

15. Apply the “no contact” rule

Many relationship specialists swear that the “no contact” rule is most effective in getting your ex to miss you.

So it’s clearly worth giving it a try. The rule is quite simple: cut off contact with your ex completely on purpose, one or a couple of months at least.

You send him a message or an email telling him that you have a lot on your mind, and that you will get in touch again when you are ready.

As soon as you send that message, all kinds of communication must stop. Even if he dials you or sends you a flood of messages back, you must contain the urge to respond to him.

The no-contact rule serves a dual purpose: It can help you really get over the relationship, and it can make your ex-boyfriend miss you horribly.

16. Delay your answers

If applying the “no contact” rule is too complicated, or you think that you are not going to achieve it for such a long period, you can always try another procedure in all circumstances to make your ex miss you.

After a breakup, it is very normal that you want to perceive from your ex, and perhaps you remain sitting by the phone just waiting for your ex-boyfriend to call or send a message.

If you respond to these messages or calls in less than a nanosecond, rest assured that it will be obvious that you were anxiously awaiting that contact. And you don’t give your kid a chance to miss you.

Leave your messages without reading for two days and you will see how the first one will pile up quite a few more.

And don’t forget: the best way to make your ex-boyfriend miss you is by giving him a little less relevance and living your life with a lot of intensity and joy.