What is real proof of love?

The question that kills

It is well known: the best way to make someone understand that you love them is not to tell them, it is to show them!

The thing is, in love, the evidence is less easy to find and collect than forensic medicine.

Proof of love: it all depends on the couple’s situation

We can already be reassured: there are no good, bad, better, less good, true, or false proofs of love in a couple. In fact, for a proof of love to achieve its goal, it depends above all on the state of mind and the situation of the couple.

For example: if with darling we are on a little cloud and we are in full honeymoon, a simple “I love you” whispered in the hollow of the ear, a tender gesture or a smile will be more than enough. perceived as proof of his strong and sincere love for us. Sometimes, we will also need a little more “concrete” proof: a flower, a small gift, a romantic dinner …

On the other hand, when the couple is moderately well, it is more complicated, because the proofs of love can quickly be misinterpreted: an “I love you” said without a minimum of emphasis will be perceived as an “I don’t. love you more ”, a gift that wraps us up like an affront, etc.

And on the contrary, a completely unjustified fit of jealousy from Monsieur because we get along well with Marc, our colleague at work, can give us some balm in our hearts by showing us that under his air of a detached guy, he still holds on. ours.

Morality: the “real” proof of love is quite simply the one which at the moment T shows us that darling loves us.

Don’t forget the little everyday proofs!

When you read the women’s press or go to forums to find out what can be the real proofs of love in a couple, you come across some pretty tough stuff, like “leaving everything to follow your other half”, “Agree to commit”, “change for one’s spouse”, “have a child” . Very heavy what. As if for a man (or a woman), proving his love necessarily required making sacrifices, modifying his behavior, or cracking his PEL.

While when you think about it, on a daily basis, everyone offers themselves magnificent proofs of love … even if they do not necessarily break 3 legs of a duck. For example, when Darling washes the dishes when it’s not even his turn so we can watch Grays Anatomy in peace. Or when you think of putting beers in the fridge because tonight he is hosting friends for football night.

Simple little attentions, seemingly harmless, but which touch the other right to the heart. Simply.