What to do when friendship turns into love?

Friendship is a deep connection between two people, it implies trust, complicity, respect, and affection. But it can be tested when feelings turn into something deeper. The love between friends can be a wonderful experience if you know how to handle it.

If you feel that you want more than a friendship with one of your friends and you are not sure how to make the feeling mutual, we offer you some tips to strengthen the relationship and help them take that step in the best way.

1. Don’t rush into a romantic relationship with your friend

Before you even think about saying something about your feelings, you have to clarify if what you feel for your friend is really love or affection. You must also define if you are willing that once you tell him how you feel about him, the relationship will change.

Keep in mind that he can react well and reciprocate, as well as not reciprocate and walk away because he does not know how to handle the relationship.

How do I know if what I feel is love or friendship?

It is not so easy to differentiate between both relationships. After all, it is about affection and deep feelings. However, it is evident that if you are in love you will feel a strong connection with that friend.

Your whole body gives you signals when you’re in love: your hands sweat, your heart races, your stomach tickles and you can’t get it out of your head. Time together is never enough.

2. Talk about your emotions with another friend

It’s a good idea to find another friend you trust and tell him how you feel about the boy you’re in love with. That will help you take a bit of worry and nervousness off the hook. Your friend will surely give you good advice to turn that friendship into love.

3. Observe their behavior with you

If you have been friends with the boy you like for a long time, you probably know the way he usually behaves when he has feelings for a girl. Then you should be able to identify if he sees you only as a friend or if the relationship can go a bit further.

Pay attention to the way he talks to you, how he looks at you if he offers to accompany you, and is aware of your things.

If you see some of these signs, he may feel the same way you do:

  • He stares at you when you are together.
  • He has a slightly nervous demeanor.
  • Try to always get a smile on yourself.
  • Make up cute nicknames to call you or just the two of you use.
  • He is aware of you, from responding quickly to all your messages and calls to always making sure that you are well.

4. If you find that he also likes you, talk about it with him

If they are friends, they are confident and you found that they also feel something more for you, the next step is for them to speak honestly about their feelings. Every successful love relationship has good communication.

Sit down and tell him how you feel when you are by his side. Maybe you’re embarrassed and think, “Me? To do that? Have you gone crazy? ». But no, I haven’t lost my mind. It is true that it takes a lot of courage to do it, but it is the best way to take that weight off your shoulders.

Not only will you dispel your doubts, but you will also show him that you are determined, that you really care about him, and that you are willing to take the steps that are necessary to defend that relationship.

5. Understand and accept what he decides

Once you tell him everything, you should give him time to process the information, do not pressure him to make a decision, and accept what he decides.

If you decide to give love between you a chance, you will surely feel very happy. But if the feeling does not correspond to you, or does not want a relationship with you, do not create a drama, accept the situation and try to continue with your life. If you push it, they may end up losing their friendship.